Leo and Fiona's wedding

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A few months later Amy was remembering things well and a wedding was coming! Leo and Fiona's wedding was here and everyone was happy but Amy. She was upset because in her memory's she and Leo were dating and so happy. The brides maids were wearing a sky blue dress's with white headbands. Thanks to Donnie, Leo,Raph,Mikey,Amy and himself looked human for 8 hours. Leo had jet black hair but still had his sea blue eyes. He had light skin and still had a strongly built body. His royal blue masked matched the setting. Leo was wearing a white tux with a black tie. Raph had fire red hair that was spiked and stuck out in places. His lime green eyes shone brightly and stood out of his blood red mask and he still had a stronger built body then his brothers and also had light skin. Raph was wearing a black tux with a red tie. Donnie had chocolate brown hair with hazzle eyes and was wearing his Violet mask. Light skin and a strong body, he had a dark brown tux with a white tie. And finally Mikey had dirty blonde hair and had Sky blue eyes with his bright orange mask on. He had light skin and a strong body. He was wearing a black tux with a tie that showed pizza on it.

The music started and Fiona walked out in a sparkling white dress. Her light red hair was curled and she looked pretty. Once she reached Leo he took her hands and they looked each other in the eyes. Leo smiled brightly at her as she did him. Amy looked at him sad, he noticed and they stare at each other in the eyes. They shared a quiet conversation through there eyes and Leo saw she had sorrow and confusion flashing. "I do." Fiona said making Leo look back at her. "Mister Leo?" The prist asked. Leo hesitated And looked back at Amy.


I saw Amy was begging me to stop and say no. I did still love Amy but I had someone else. I liked back at Fiona. She had a smile but to me it never felt warm, her kiss was dull and she cheated on me. I wanted to say no so badly but she had changed after I asked her. I took a breath and avoided Amy's gaze and looked back at fiona.


My heart stopped as I saw he looked back at her. *No,No,No!* I begged. "I do." He said. I heard a shatter in my ears and I felt hollow. And I felt something in me, that I wanted to run but I stood. The crowd broke my thought and I walked away. I went to the bathroom and changed into a white shirt and black pants with silver colored sneakers. I walked out and saw everyone happy. I wrote a quick note to Leo telling him congrats and put it on a random gift so he could get it. I ran out and ran to the lair.

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