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They were racing across rooftops with ease. "You've gotten faster dekota." Commented Raph. "Yea as you've gotten slower." He teased. Finally after a bit they appeared in a ally way that had a dead end. Dekota stopped and and turned towards Raph. "Ok dude remember she doesn't know you anymore so don't try forcing her." Raph nodded eager to see Amy again. Dekota pulled a pipe and a secret door opened. Raph dashed in and saw her.

She still looked the same but had a few scares on her. Her shell was cracked in the front like Raph's but a bit bigger, she had a large pale scar on her right arm from her shoulder to her wrist. And on the other many little scars. Her yellow mask was ripped up and tattered. Her belt was a dark muddy brown and black that was worn. Her weapon the surmary had been broken in places and other parts were missing but could still work.

(it's a bo-staff the can break to two pieces and go back together. Also blades can pop out of the sides. And that's not the real name but I tried to think of one. Ok continue reading and sorry this is so long.)

Raph couldn't believe this was Amy now. She still looked beautiful to Raph though. "Amy?" He asked. She turned to him. He smiled and went up to her giving her a quick hug. "It's so great to see you!" He said happily. But she didn't say anything. "Who are you?" She asked. Raph's smile faded and he looked at her with worried eyes.



Hey guys! Sorry this one is short but it's here. Hope you guys like. So comment, vote, follow, and read my other books. Bye!

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