Found her

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The person took of there helmet. "Hey Raphael." Raph stared at him happy "Dude! It's been years!" He smiled. "Totally." He commented back. "So dekota how have you been?" He asked. Dekota was a wolf mutant. They meet by when Raph was 7 he was out on the surface and found him. He gave him food and they hanged out for 8 years. But when they turned 15 they couldn't see each other any more. "I've been ok. Busy helping a friend of mine." He said leaning back. "How about you? And your brothers? How are they?" He asked. "I'm ok. And my brothers are getting married soon. They're also really happy." Raph explained. "Wow. Do you have a girl?" Raph was taken back and he felt upset again. Sometimes he was able to forget Amy for a minute but then she would appear. "I lost my girl. She died. But something in me is saying she's still alive." He said. Dekota put his hand on Raph's shoulder. "I'm so sorry dude. But what if she was still alive? What is her name and what dose she look like?" He asked. "Her name is Amy. She has emerald green eyes and is a turtle mutant like me." He said sadly remembering Amy. "Oh my god!" Shouted dekota. "What is it?" Asked Raph. Dekota grabbed Raph's shoulders "I know her! She is living with me. But she said her name was Ashley. Not Amy. I asked her about her self and she said she can't remember." Raph's jaw dropped. She was alive? She was alive!!! But then he remembered she didn't know everything. "Take me to her." Raph said. Dekota nodded and they raced off.

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