40: Fruits, Food And Boyfriend

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I must be the world's biggest asshole to think that it's fucking cute to buy things for Elle. Of course it isn't cute. She would have been thinking that I'm just doing this because I'm a new addition to her not-so-long list of friends. Yep, I already researched on the very few people she's acquainted with and from the looks of it, it seems like she doesn't have many. She's only got Liam and a girl named Ginger working with her in a pastry shop as her friends. Besides her brother, she doesn't have an auntie, an uncle, a niece or a cousin. Her father abandoned them when she was still a child and her mother is dead. I'm wondering now how she gets to pay the hospital bills. I'm sure it won't be easy for her as she only waits tables as her job. Not that I'm belittling waiters. I just know it wouldn't cover her bills.

As soon as I reach my Audi, I notice a yellow Porsche being parked near the entrance of the hospital. Hang on, I know this fucking yellow car. Before I pull open the door to my car, I've made an effort to turn the fuck around just to watch the asshole with styled-up brown hair, another checkered shirt and skinny jeans gets off the Porsche. He's carrying a bag of groceries and probably some goody-goody merchandise only holier-than-thou fucking Liam would have thought about bringing. I need to make some purchases on my own and match him. I can't go back without anything at hand. Elle might think I'm just a good-for-nothing curly badass. So, I get in my car and head to the nearest shop which is Target and nothing but fucking Target.

Now, what would Elle like to eat for dinner? I'm sure Liam bought her some more shit like restaurant foods, but me, I'm not going to. Elle is pretty fit and as her future boyfriend, I mean as her future fake hubby, I should be the one taking action to keep her slim and sexy. Nah, scrap the last word, she's just slim.

"Would you like bananas, Sir?" A blond lady with the Target uniform as red as her lipstick pulls me out of my hallucination about Elle's mouthwatering figure. Had she not appeared, I wouldn't have realized I've been staring at the bananas for so fucking long.

"Yeah, thanks." I murmur, picking the bananas up and some more fruits like apples and oranges. Maybe I should also buy Elle a loaf of wheat bread and some yogurt. Her digestion is going to be one of my main priorities now besides fucking her. I go to the cashier and pull out my credit card.

She swipes it and frowns at me. "You're about to reach your credit limit, Sir."

I look at the screen of her stupid computer and see that this is going to be my last purchase as it's going to zero the balance out. Fuck, I'm in dipshit trouble. "That's not a problem. I've got more." I lie, obviously.

She shrugs and confirms the purchase. "There you go." She says and puts everything inside the bag and hands it to me.

I get the fucking out of Target and hop into my Audi, contemplating stupidly in the driver's seat with my arms slumped on the wheel. To say I'm not alarmed is a lie. If this bag of fruits will be my last purchase before I find a way out of this bankruptcy, then it only means I'm going to have to starve for an indefinite span of time. I pull my phone out of my pocket, scrolling through the numbers, stopping momentarily at Gemma's. If I call her, she'd tell Dad and he's going to fucking celebrate. My mum will be delighted to know that I'm broke too as she thinks that it's one way of getting me back. But they're wrong. They're all wrong. There's no way I'm going back home and kiss their asses. There's no way I'm letting myself fall into another web of their manipulations. I'm going to have Elle Marie marry me, and they're going to let me live the hell I want.


I've been talking to one of the doctors in the reception area when the sight of my best friend coming near distracts me. Damn, if Harry is already on his way back here, this hospital is about to be the next biggest boxing arena in America. If boxing is how you can call Harry and Liam's dirty fist fight in the pub several weeks ago.

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