(SasuSaku) This could be our moment.

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Hey guys.. this is my first time writing a sasusaku fanfic and well.. I'll try to make you guys enjoy reading it. I hope you guys will like and continue to read this. :)

Chapter #1 -


Hi, my name is Sakura Haruno. Pink-haired girl, I don't understand why I am even born with pink hair. I don't like it. People stare at me like I am a different. I am not who they think I am.





What the hell is that annoying sound?! It's ruining my beauty sleep, I sigh and got up. I notice it was my alarm clock ringing like crazy.

CRAP. I forgot it was my first day of class in my new high school since I moved from... That place..

I had bad moments in my other school so I'm starting new and fresh.


"Haha! You are such a freak sakura! No wonder Kenji broke up with you. I mean look at you, your hair, your flat and massive forehead. You are nothing like us. You will never be normal. You ugly pink-hair freak, you wills be a loner. No one will ever like you."

"You are so annoying, like you think you are smart and all that. You think that you are better than us? Well think again you freak. We are PRETTIER than you, SEXIER than you and most of all everyone loves us. Look at you. "

*Flashback Ends*

I rush to the shower and quickly put on my uniform, pale pink and black stripes on the edges of my skirt, which ended above my knees. I tied my striped neck tie on and grabbed my school bag.

I ran down the stairs and checked the cupboards for any food to eat. I see them stacked in the corner, quickly grabbing it on the way out.

"Sweety, why are you still here?" I turn around to see my mother standing before me.

"WELL, nobody woke me up and I'm now running late." I said to her. I quickly peck her on the cheek. "I have to go now."

She nods and went back upstairs without a word. I quickly put on my shoes and ran out the door.

I turn around to lock the door, just in case anything happens. You never know a serial killer might come barging in and kill my mother.

I turn around and  bump into somebody hard. "I'm sorry miss." he bows down awkwardly. I blushed in embarrassment, "Oh no it's okay it was my fault. I didn't watch where I was going. Gomen..." I said.

He had jet black hair and the same kind of outfit I wore except it was the boy kind. There was something about him that I just can't point out... "Do you go to konoha high?" I ask him, out of curiosity.

"Yes, and I see that you're wearing the girls uniform from my school, so I'm assuming that you're going there as well?" I nod.

"I really have to go, I'm really running late." I say to him, scratching my head. I didn't want to leave him, he looked so goddamn hot. What are you doing sakura? You just met him.

inner sakura: ohhhhh someone has a little crush on someone *wink wink*

'no I don't. I just met him. I can't like a man I just met.'

inner sakura: yeah you do, admit it.

'I admit nothing, now shut up.'

inner sakura: neeeevvver! tehee ;)

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