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K. I know you guys are kind of mad I gave you the cliffhanger in the last chapter. But now the wait is gone! Here is chapter 16!!!


Sasuke's POV

"Sakura?" I say, shocked to see her. What is she doing here? Crap!

"I'm so-sorry!" Princess continue to say to her while looking for a napkin.

"Sasuke?" She say, her eyes wide open.

"Hey, Princess it's okay, here Sakura" I hand her the napkin.

"... Than-n-nks" she stutters, trying to help clean herself up.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Princess turns around confused.

"Uh, yeah. We go to the same school..." I say.

Sakura says nothing, but nods.

"Ohhh! That's so cool!" Princess says and grins.

Sakura looks annoyed, a little bit frustrated. She forces a smile on her face, it's so obvious.

Wait why would she be annoyed? Like why? Nah.. You're just seeing things Sasuke..

"So um, I'm princess, and I'm on a date with sasuke!" Princess smirks and shakes Sakura's hands.


"O-o-oh! That's nice.." Sakura mumbles. What the?

Is she jealous? SEEING THINGS.

"Yeah.. Hey, princess, let's head out, I want to show you something" I blurt out.

Wait! What the f am I going to show her!?

"Oh okay, nice meeting you.. Um? Sakura?" She says,

"Yeah, nice meeting you as well," she replies. "Have fun on your date!" She calls out before we head out.

We walk out and leave the ice cream shop.

"Well, she's a nice girl, is she your girlfriend?"

My eyes widen at her sudden question, "um. No."

"Oh okay" she grins. What am I going to do...


Sakura's POV

Omgf.. That was.. Wow..

"Hey Sakura? Are you okay?" I hear Sebastians voice behind me.

I take a deep breath "uh. Yeah I'm okay" I reply.

"Um. I saw what happened a few moments ago." Sebastian says awkwardly, scratching his head.

"Oh." Is all I say.

"Okay, I don't want to make this anymore awkward than it already is. So do you want to go somewhere else?"

I nod, and don't say anything.

I hear my phone ringing

*you and I... We don't want to be like them..*

"Hello?" I answer.

"Sakura?! Where the hell are you? I was looking for you!!" Ino yells in the phone.

"I waited 30 minutes for you outside! You weren't there so right now I'm at the ice cream shop. I'll meet you there!" I scream back.

"Kkbyeee!!" She yells and ends the call.

"That was Ino. Hey, do you want to go to the beach with us?" I ask Sebastian,

"Sorry, I gotta go to work later. Maybe next time k?" He says.

I nod "okay"

I walk out the ice cream shop, finding Ino waiting near the bench.

I sighed "hey!! Come here!!" I yell. I see Ino look around, her eyes spot me and she runs towards me.

"Kk! Let's go?" She grabs my hand and we run towards the beach. This is going to be fun.. I hope.


I'm Tireddddd! So this is the end for chapter 16!!!

Sorry guys, this update sucks. Sorry.

Next one will be much better I promise ❤️❤️

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