Chapter- 9

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updates may be late for the next couple days sorry. I feel like dying. so excuse my late update.

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Sasuke's POV

What the hell?! Why is Lena here?! Didn't i break up with her last year? "Lena, What are you doing here?!" I push her off me. I look at Sakura, she looked back at me emotionless. Wow. nice job sasuke.

"I love you!" she says. "I broke up with you last year! Leave me alone!" I replied. I saw a small smirk on sakura's face. wow...

"but i loooooveeeee you!!!? how could you!!!! there is another girl isnt it?! Who is she! Tell me! She's going to die!" she screams.

'Oh god.. make her leave!!!!'

I shake my head, in annoyance. "Lena please have a seat beside Sasuke." Kakashi says annoyed.

I give  kakashi a death glare. He's going to pay for this. "IEEEEEE!!! I  get to sit beside my sasuke kuuun!" she yelps excitedly.

"WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP! I NEED TO TEACH!!" Kakashi yells on top of his lungs. He wanted to kill her but since you can't kill a studen OH WELL.

Everyone in the class laughed and Lena became quiet. THANK GOD.

Sensei breathes in slowly "Ok, get to work on your place its due on thursday remember!" he says. Everyone goes to there partners. LET'S JUST GET THIS OVER WITH.

"Sakura, we have to work now. We need to..." i say serious. Well... I was going to say that unfortunately Lena interrupted me. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS CHICK!

"Sasuke.. Am I your partner?!" she asks pouting. She thinks by doing that everyone will fall for her. Unfortunately I don't.

"No, lena, your doing another kind of work for me. Since you just started, Sasuke is partnered with Sakura." Kakashi says firmly. PRAISE THE LORD!

"WHAT?! where is she?!" She looks around. "Right here." Sakura says while sitting closer to me and places her arm around my neck.

"Get your filthy hands away from my----" before being cut off. "He's not yours anymore. so please Sensei needs you." she smiles sweetly. wow.

"Back off you fu--" she charges to her. "Lena, don't come any closer. or i swear you will regret it. NOW GO TO SENSEI." I glare at her.

She pouts. 'No one thinks that cute" I say bluntly. She walked away but turned around "you'll regret this pinky." She glares and storms off.

PHEW. "Sasuke?.." she says quietly taking her hand off me .

"Yeah?" I reply. "I'n sorry..." She looks like on the verge of crying. I hugged her so nobody could see her cry. " It's ok..." I whisper in ther ears. "Really? I ran away from you and didn't talk to you yesterday..." she mumbles still crying.

"It's fine. Okay? dont worry I'm not mad.." I smile at her. She gave me a weak smile "Thank you.." she says quietly.

We got to work and practiced our play.


"see you at lunch ok?" she says and smiles, as she left the classroom. Neji, shikamaru and naruto walked up to me, "You guys are friends again. Awweeee too bad we had a plaaaaan!" naruto moans.

"What was the plan?" i asked "Oh you'll see.. maybe... if somebody doesnt ruin it." Neji looks at me. I nod.


I grab my lunch and sit down with the rest of the gang. "STOP GETTING IN THE WAY OF ME AND SASUKE BIT--" before Ino cut her off. "LEAVE US ALONE STUPID!" Ino yells. I see Sakura on the floor with food stains all over her. GAH!.

"It's like she always gets push down everyday since day one!" Shikamaru says. They nod.

I get up but before I could walk over there somebody grabs my arm. I turn around to see Naruto on the other end. "What?"

"Let her handle this. Its a girl on girl fight. you a girl?" he looks at me.

I shake my head and let them be. I sit back down.

I hope shes ok...


Sakura's POV

"STOP GETTING IN THE WAY OF ME AND SASUKE KUN" she pushes me hard and made me spill all of my food on me. I look down at my uniform. gah I wish I could kill her. I don't want to be arrested just yet.

I didn't say anything. "LEAVE US ALONE STUPID!" I  hear Ino scream. I love Ino to death I swear.


"I..I.. WHATEVEVER! IM LEAVING! I DONT WANT TO BE WITH YOU UGLY BIT--." before our principal, Tsunade, interrupted her. "AHEM!" she coughs.

"It's  just the first day Lena, and your already causing trouble to my office!" she hollers. I never knew Tsunade could be like that. "I will not tolerate bad words and pushing people." she says a little bit more calmly.

Lena walks off to the office, she turned around to give me the middle finger. I notice that Tsunade saw that. I saw her glare. "Are you ok sakura?" she looks at me worried.

"Yeah..  I dont have a uniform to change out of." I say to Tsunade. Ino helped me up. "Oh, i have an extra uniform but its a bit different from the regular uniform is that ok?" she said.

"yeah." I followed her to her office. She grabbed the uniform from her mini closet and handed it to me. "Here. you can keep it." I smiled at her and thanked her.

I left her room to changed. I walked in the bathroom to see Karin and her followers there. "Well, Well.. look what we have here. Sakura." she smiles wikedly at me. "What do you want Karin.." I say.

"Sasuke." she says.


I think this one was a bit boring to my liking. and SINCE somebody asked me to update quickly. I couldn't think straight. THANKS.

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