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heyyyyy yoooo whatttt upppp? I feel lazy again. so like please bare with me .

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Sasuke's POV

k, so I have been following them for like 2 hours already and I'm getting quite tired.

inner sasuke: whatever! look there going back! follow them!


I start running to her house and hid behind the bush.

I peeked and looked they were facing each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying but then...

Sakura kissed his cheek.




inner sasuke: snap out of it!


Tears forming in my eyes and everything suddenly became blurry.

I wiped my tears, I looked again and they were gone.

inner sasuke: knock on her door.

what am I going to say?

inner sasuke: about the skit thing... or ask her on a date tomorrow!


inner sasuke: yeah.. you know the thing where two people go out and have dinner or something.

I know what a date is!

inner sasuke: then go then!

I got up and stood in front of the door. I breathed in and out. I hesitated to knock on the door.

what if someone else opens the door?

inner sasuke: one way to find out.

I knock on the door and the door opened.

"Hello, good afternoon, my name is sasuke. is sakura there by any chance?"

"Hello to you too, I'm sakura's mom. May I know what you want from my daughter?" she ask me.

"oh.. um.. its about our play skit thing!" I tell her.

"oh ok!" she turns around and yells. "sakura! there's a boy here outside, he says his name is sasuke!"

"OK wait!" she replies.

"why don't you have a seat?" as she motions me inside.

I nod "thank you." her mom is so nice, my mother in-law.


"what's taking sakura so long.." she mumbles. "give me a minute." she stands up and goes up stairs.

a few minutes later...

"oh.. sasuke.. what are you doing here?" she says calmly.

"oh I wanted to ask about our play thing.." I replied.

"OK, what about it?" She says confused.

"um.. um.." I mumbled.

inner sasuke: what are you doing.?! say something!

"when is it due again?"

wow.. and that's all you can come up with. pathetic sasuke!


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