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Hey again guys. Did you like my first one? I hope you did. so onward to Chapter 2.


Sasuke POV:

Wow. I just met a girl whom I bumped into and I think I have fallen for her already. That's what I think feels like it..

Karin just asked me to be her partner. ugh. I don't like her why can't she just accept that?! She's weird.

I look around for a partner when I see sakura. this could be my chance.

"Oh sorry, I already have a partner." I reply hastily.

"WHAT WHO?!" she screams. I grab sakura and pulled her close to me. My heart is beating fast, I could feel her a little bit shaking. I slip at breathe in and out, wondering if she will pull away.

"Right here." I smile at sakura. "WHAT HER?! HOW COULD YOU PICK HER INSTEAD OF ME?! I'm more prettier than her! She's different! I mean look at her!" Karin glares at Sakura.

"Please leave us, Karin, we are going to work now." I say to her.

I see her glare at sakura one more time. "you'll regret this pinky!" and stormsoff.

I see her turn around and give Sakura the middle finger. I sigh Why does life have to be so troublesome? I don't like her. Why does she have to be forcing her way in my life?

inner sasuke: OK, I know you like her. admit it.

'I know I don't know. Do I? Maybe it is just a friend thing?'

inner sasuke: No shut up. now why don't you ask her out?

'are you kidding me? I just met her, and you don't even know if she likes me back.'

inner sasuke: one way to find out, ask her.

'OK OK calm down... Life..'

"Hey sakura, don't mind her. She's can be annoying sometimes." I told her. She nodded "yeah.." She mumbles.

I forget I'm still holding her. My face slightly red and I let her go "I'm sorry I got you into this gomen..." I apologized.

She giggled." I told you its fine. Can we please start working now?" she ask.

"of course." I smile at her.

(I'm skipping through the class because I got lazy and have no time.)


"Hey sakura, want to eat lunch with my friends?" I ask her, nervously.

"yeah, sure. I don't really know anybody here so.." She says.

We grab our food. I chose chicken salad with apple juice, and an apple. I know I have to keep my health up. so don't mock me.

Hers was a slice of pizza and Pepsi with a yogurt in the side. wow. so healthy.

'she really is different from other girls..'

"Come, follow me." I said to her. She follows me to my usual table.

"Naruto, Neji, Shikamaru, and Sebastian (shout out to black butler fans. ;) ) meet the new student. "Heeeeeyyyy!" They welcome her openly.

I sat down and starteating. "So sakura, do you have any boyfriend?" I start to choke on my food.

I start coughing and grab my apple juice and drank it. "Sasuke-kun, are you alright?" I nod still a coughing. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I reply trying to catch my breath.

"oh alright..." She says and turns around to the boys. "To answer your question, I don't have a boyfriend, but I did before. His name is Drew."

She looked sad for a moment. "what happened?.." Naruto hesitated to ask. "um...." she says.

"You don't have to tell us, sakura-chan." Neji says softly.

"No its alright, um.. I saw kiss him my bestfriend. He said it was an accident... accident my ass.." She mumbles under her breathe.

They all stared at her. "So your ok now?" shikamaru asks.

"Yep! I'm over him!" she smiles widely. I sighed a relief.

Good she doesn't have a boyfriend now.

'phew! I'm a terrible person for thinking that.'

inner sasuke: now you know she doesn't have a boyfriend. what are you going to do know?

'I don't know! '

inner sasuke: you better make a choice sooner or later, one of your friends might take her..

There my friends they wouldn't do that.'

inner sasuke: I doooont knooow. maybe! because from what I see. naruto is making a move.


I look at sakura and naruto was laughing and joking around. Sakura playfully hit naruto's arm. I sighed.

inner sasuke: I told you so..

'oh shut up.'

inner sasuke: you never listen. This is your mistake.


I finished my food and got up and threw it away. I sit back down and listen to the conversation.

"No way! You didn't do that, seriously?!" sakura said, laughing uncontrollably.

I wish I made her laugh instead of Naruto.

"yeah, I'm serious! I'm not kidding! Believe it!" He said, laughing as well.

The other boys; Neji, Shikamaru was having their own conversation.

I was the only one there sitting alone. I'm imagining: sakura and I working on the skit the romance. we were about to kiss when... someone interrupts my hallucination.

I felt someone sitting on my lap. I saw KARIN was sitting on my lap and her arms were around my neck.

inner sasuke: uh ohhh!

"Karin! what are you doing?!" I said as I push her off my lap.

I check if to see sakura was still there. She wasn't in her spot anymore. I see her pink hair head out the door.

"But sasssukkke-kuuun!" as she tried flirting with me, twirling her hair.

EW. "Please leave me alone Karin."

I stood up and search for Sakura.

"Baka! where did sakura go?" I ask naruto. "I don't know. She suddenly left when Karin sat on you, she said she had to go somewhere" he shrugs.

"Why didn't you stop her?! baka!" I say to him, and quickly follow the pink hair lady that I seemed to have fallen in love with already.

I start looking for her everywhere, I was getting frustrated by the minute.

She could be lost, she doesn't know this school very well.

I'm blaming myself for this. ugh! why does this have to happen to me!

The only room I haven't check yet is the gym. I open the gym door wide and there I see her crying. but.. sitting beside her is a guy.


Heeeeyyyy. cliffhanger for you guys :D

I'm kinda tired and lazy to continue. so just check in when I'm updating a story. did you guys like it? hope you did.

Instagram: @altheaeuraoba

bye guyyys. :) xx

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