Chapter- 14

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Sorry for the long update guys :( homework and school is quite tough. but im on vaca. now so i kinda have time to make an update. without a delay, here is chapter 14


Sasuke's POV
I finally decided to call Princess, hey? What else is there lose?

*ring* *ring* " Hello?" The voice on the other side of the phone answered.

"It's Sasuke, remember we bumped into each other the other day?" I say.

"Ohhhh! Right!! How are you?" She replies back enthusiastically.

"Good, hey do you want to grab some ice cream later this afternoon?" I asks her.

Inner sasuke: aren't you forgetting something?


Inner sasuke: Sakura you Baka. -.-

'Yeah. So?'

Inner sasuke: are you seriously going to let her go that easily?

'I have no chance with her anymore. Might as well move on from her.'

Inner sasuke: you're so stupid. Seriously. I'm annoyed with you. Disappointed. You gave up so easily..

'Whatever... '

"Sasuke, are you still there?"

"Yeah yeah sorry. I zoned out for a second there. So are you in?" I say.

"Um. Let me ask" no tone in the other line.

I wait for a few minutes.

"Yeah I can go. So at 6:00?" She says.

"Uhuh. Yeah. See you later, princess." I end the call.

Inner sasuke: you're making a really big mistake by doing this.

'I don't care. Leave me alone. '

Inner sasuke: fine. Don't ask me anymore for advice. I have given up on you. I can't believe you could do this to yourself.. You know what you are? A loser. Who gives up just because she rejected you once.


I lie down back in bed, ugh. Ima sleep until this afternoon. There is so much to think about..
Sakura.. Lena.. Karin.. Now Princess?

What am I going to do...

Princess's POV (yay! ;) we have her POV..)

"So princess, are you seriously going to go with that douche?" My bestfriend looks at me, smirking.

"He's not a douche. He actually looks pretty cute. " I reply back to her.

"Fine. If you get hurt again by another boy, I'm here to punch him for you" she smiles.

I smile back at her "thanks bestie" I hug her.

" okay, time to get ready for that 'date' " she gets up from the bed. She walks around the room, looking for clothes to wear.

"Okay." I say, smiling.

This is going to be fun..

Okay sorry. For this reaaaalllyy long update. Forgive thee. What do you think of this one?

Don't hate on princess :3

I'm sorry if this one sucks. Like literally sucks. Gomen.

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