Chapter 19- ending

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Okay, this is another ending for the 'SasuSaku: This could be our moment' BECAUSE some people didn't like the last ending I made. So I deleted the last one, and made a new one! So here it is!

Sakura's POV

"What should we do to her?" Karin asks. "Kill her? Push her off a cliff? Or what?" Lena rolls her eyes. "Shut up both of you. I have a better idea" she smirks.

'Someone help me' I scream to myself. "Joash! Go check outside just in case those annoying brats come here" Princess waves him off.

"What if I don't want to?" Joash steps towards her. "Well, if you don't want to. I'll just tell the WHOLE world about your little secret." Giving him a devious smile.

"Fine. Whatever. JUST DONT TELL ANYONE" he glares at her and walks out, slamming the door.

"Well well Sakura.." Princess slaps my face. I flinch from the pain. 'Once I'm out of this, you little bitch. I will choke you.' I say to myself.

Sasuke's POV

"Where the hell could she be.." I angrily mumble to myself. Why did I let her go? Now she's lost somewhere and probably in pain. It's all my fault she's in this situation. UGH!

I keep running until I see an abandoned cabin. Maybe she's there. I start running towards it but got knock back down on the ground. 'What the hell?'

"I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to pass here. You are trespassing property" I look up and see a handsome guy looking at me. WHAT THE HELL? Did I just call him handsome?! What am i? Gay?

I get up and face him. "I'm sorry but I'll have to pass you." I roll my eyes and make my stance.

"Passing me will cost your life." He looks at me, dead serious. "Whatever. I have had worse situation than this" I tell him.

"Prepare to be eliminated." As he starts running towards me. "Chidori!!!" I run towards him as well. I hit him right in the middle and he flies back. But gets back up quickly. What? No one can get back up that quickly after my chidori!

I have to end this quick. I need to get to that house. He throws me a bunch of Kunais right after one another. I dodge all of them. And run straight towards him "Fire Style! Fireball jutsu!!" I yell, and make contact against him.

He flies back and doesn't move. HMPF. Getting in my way. 'Oh right! Sakura!' I start making my way towards the house, until I see a blond hair kid. "Naruto!!" I yell and catch his attention. "Sasuke!" He runs towards me, following him was Ino.

"Yo." Naruto says. I glare at him, "I think Sakura might be in that house."I tell him. He nods, "I'm not done with you!" I hear a yell behind my back. Doesn't that guy ever stop?

"Naruto, take care of him. I need to check that house. Ino, come with me." I order them.

Naruto nods, and face his opponent. I sprint towards the house, Ino following behind.


Sakura's POV

"Oh look at this beautiful long hair.." Princess touches my hair. I flinch from her touch and try to back away. She pulls on it, and I grunt in pain. 'Oh this little bitch really does want to be killed.' I cuss.

"Lena, pass me those scissors over there" Princess points towards the scissors. 'Omg. Omg. Omg.' I start to freak out.

I try to struggle out of Princess grasp, but can't move. "Sit tight" she squeezes my arm and yanks my hair. Lena walks to the table and throws the scissors to princess. Princess smiles deviously, and looks at the scissors. "Your hair is so pretty.. Long.. It's too long... It needs to shorten.." She yanks my hair, and places my hair at the tip. I try to wiggle free from her grasp but can't. Someone please help..

(SasuSaku) This could be our moment.Where stories live. Discover now