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This story is almost done!!! This will be the most epic ending ever. I'm not sure if it will be in this chapter or the next one. But it will soon end. But guys thank you so much for keeping up with this story for a long time. I'm really grateful that I have such amazing fans.

So here goes the story....


Naruto'a POV

"Naruto naruto!!!!" I hear Ino yelling and running towards me.

"What." I say. "Sakura hasn't come back from that blond guy we were with!!! He said he just wanted to show her something but they never came back!!! I tried calling her phone but she's not answering. Naruto I don't know what to do!!" Ino freaks out.

My eyes widen at the thought, Sakura gone?

"Ima call sasuke Baka." I quickly type in Sasuke's number.

"Naruto?" Sasuke answers.

"Sasuke Baka! Sakura's missing!!! She didn't come back with that blond dude we saw. Ino tried calling her phone but she's not answering. What if that dudes a kidnapper or something!! We need to find her!!!" I yell into the home.

"Naruto lower your voice, I can perfectly hear you." Sasuke says, calmly. "Why are you so calm?! Your beloved Sakura is effin missing! And you're Effin calm!!!" I yell even louder into the phone.

"Shut up naruto." He says, annoyed. "What the f Sasuke! Why the hell are you acting like this? You used the care for Sakura a lot and now you're Effin acting like a douche bag. You know what? Whatever. I'm going to lot for her without your help. Bye you Baka." I hang up. Very annoyed and steamed. How could he even do this? That bastard:

"What happened?" Ino asked. "Sasuke doesn't want to help. So let's just go look for her. Okay Ino think. What did that blond guy say." I ask her.

"Well...he said...."


Sakura's POV

"Hey, Joash where are you taking me?" I ask him, politely. Still confused as why we were in the forest.

"Somewhere... Just follow me Sakura....." He takes my hand and leads me to forest.

"Joash... It's getting pretty dark...... I think we should head back."I say nervously. "No it's okay Sakura... Im here for you... Look!" He points to a house. He opens the door, and walks in.

"I don't think we should be in here, Joash." I look around. The house had a creepy atmosphere to it. There was dust everywhere. Joash closed the door behind him. Cobwebs all everywhere, a rat just passed my foot. "Joash I think we should leave." I say, scared.

He doesn't reply. He just looks at me. "Joash?" No emotion in his face.

"My my... Look what we have here..." The voice behind me, and I know who's voice that is.

"Princess? What the hell are you doing here," I ask. "Oh nothing Sakura. I'm just here to take my revenge for taking my dear Sasuke. He ditched me because of you. I heard him and Naruto talking on the phone. You bitch."

"Your Sasuke? You just went on one date, how does it make him yours?" I say annoyed, rolling my eyes at her remark:

Two more shadows come out from behind Princess. "Lena and Karin?!"

They all laugh "oh look Sakura... No one will hear you scream... No one will help you... Not even your precious Sasuke. You might as well say good bye to the world." Lena says, smirking.

I stay frozen in my spot, "Joash! Tie her up!" Princess says. Joash walk towards me, and ties my hand. "What the he--" he gags my mouth so I can't speak.

Someone help me.....



Sasuke's POV

what? Sakura is missing?



I can't think straight.. All I can think about is her... Her cotton candy pink hair... Her smile.. The way she blushes awkwardly.... I can't just let her go that easily.

I get up from the bench.

I'm going to look for her, my sweet Cherry blossom...Wait for me...


Naruto's POV

"Joash said, that's the blond guys name, that he wanted to show her something in the forest. I told him that it was getting pretty dark, they shouldn't go. But he wouldn't listen, so they went anyways..." Ino mumbles.

"Okay to the forest we go!!" I jump up and we both run to the forest.


"Sakura!!!!!" I yell out to the forest. "Where the hell are you!!!!!!" I scream even louder, "Sakura!!!! " Ino yells.

"Ugh. This is getting useless... What if she's not here?! What if that Joash guy raped her or even worse kidnaped or killed her?!!!!" Ino freaks out.

"Ino!!! Shut up!! You're making this worse!!" I shake her shoulders. "Calm down."

She breathes heavily. "Sorry.. I crack under pressure.." I nod.

"Naruto.. What if she's gone..." Ino mumbles..

"No. I won't take that. Never!..." I yell. I'm not letting Sakura die.


Sasuke's POV

I type in Naruto's number "Naruto. Where did you say Sakura might have been?" I ask.

"So now you care about her?" Naruto says annoyed. "Just answer my question. Baka. " I roll my eyes, knowing that he doesn't see me.

"Forest. Ino said she might be in the forest." He answers. "Okay thanks.k bye." I hang up.

Wait for me Sakura...


Okiieeeeee this is the end for this chapter!!!! Wew. What shocking chapter this was. What a turn of events. Please wait for the next chapter to come out!!! Love you guyssss!!!


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