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Hey guys... I think it's almost time to end this story :'( now don't be sad, I MIGHT add book 2 for this. Okay? But I'm getting tired.. So here is chapter 17...


Sasuke'a POV

What the f am I going to show her?!

"So Sasuke where are we going?" She asks, following beside me.

"Uhh.." I mumble, I feel my phone vibrate.

"Hello?" I answer. "Hey, Sasuke dude. Come here to the ramen shop. I see Sakura and Ino. But wait it gets worse" naruto says.

"What is it?" I say annoyed.

"They both have guys around them. Like 5 of them. Dude. Come now," Naruto says.

"I'm on a date? I can't just ditch her?" I whisper into the phone.

"Just say, something came up. And it's important?" Naruto suggest.

"K bye" I shut my phone. "Hey, princess.. Something came up and I have to go." I apologized.

"No no it's okay.." Princess looks sad, looking away.

"Maybe next time okay?" I say, I smile at her.

"Yeah.. See you later sasuke.." As she walks away sadly.

I feel so bad.. But it's Sakura.. So..

I run to the ramen shop where Naruto is. "Sasuke Baka! Come over here!" I see hands waving to me. I walk over to naruto.

"So where is sh--" I got cut off. "There!!There!!" Naruto yells pointing to a pink hair girl.

"Come on let's follow them!!" Naruto says. "Thanks for the ramen mister!!" As naruto grabs my hand and runs. I reluctantly follow him.

I follow naruto bush by bush, following Sakura and who ever those guys might be.

"Oh my fu-- god.." Naruto mumbles. "What?" I asks.

"Look." Naruto points to the ramen poster. "They have a 'buy 3 and get one free ramen!!!" I slap my forehead, "are you effin kidding me? I thought we were following Sakura."

"Okay okay sorry" he turns around and looks at the poster. "I'll be back for you baby.." He mumbles quietly.

I shake my head in disgust. "Look there they are!! They stopped at the bench over there!" I point. "I see I see!!"

I see Sakura and the other guy with blonde hair walk away from them.

That guy isn't even cute.

Inner sasuke: OMG he totally is.

'No he's not. '

Inner sasuke: yeah! He's cuter than you, maybe that's why Sakura likes him more than you.

'Oh oh oh! You did not just say that.'

Inner sasuke: uhuh I did. Don't ignore it, I know your jealous.

'Whatever. Leave me alone.'

Inner sasuke: can't, I'm inside you, hahah your stuck with me for the rest of your life.

I shake my head in annoyance.

"Hey sasuke are you there?" Naruto waves his hand across my face.

"Um. Yeah. " I mumble, unsure.

"Do you want to follow them?" Naruto says.

I get up from behind the bush, "no.. I give up. She will never like me.," I say, sadly.

"Don't give up Baka." Naruto yells.

"But I don't stand a chance,. How long I wanted to be with her yet I can't because there are always something that gets between us. And I'm tired of it, I'm tired of falling In Love with someone who doesn't love me back. I hate it... Good bye naruto!" I run as fast as I could away from all the pain and devastation inside me.

Good bye Sakura...


Oh what sad ending in this chapter isn't it? Oh well, you have to get used to it. Love isn't always about happiness and being joyful all the time, if there wasn't sad and depressing moments in life, what kind of story would this be?

Okay. That was deep.

Next chapter coming soon!!

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Okay bye guyyysss ❤️

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