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I'm super super sorry guys! I haven't updated in such a long time! It's just school is so hard and home works! K enough talking! Unto the story'


Naruto's POV

"Hey Hinata! Can you come here a sec?" I call out her name. I think I have build enough courage to ask her out. Never mind I can't do this.

"Ye-yes na-naruto-kun? She's looks at me shyly. Omg she's just the cutest! Ugh! The way she looks away embarrassed, her face red. It's just so kawaii ^_^

I grab her hand and hold unto it, staring deeply into her grey eyes. SHE CANT SEE.

Oh my gosh.. It's just so... Beautiful. She can't see the beauty I see in her.

"Umm... Are you busy tomo-"

"Yo! Naruto come here!" As someone pulls my hand and pulls me away from Hinata.

She stands there alone, sad. 'Im sorry' I yell back to her.

She doesn't say anything, she just walked away. My heart broke a little, why did I leave her. I had the chance..


"I need your help with something." Sasuke looks at me, seriously.

I nod, still angry at what he had just done. "You just interrupted my plan to ask Hinata out! You Baka!" I mutter. "Oh shit. Sorry Naruto. I just really need your help right now.." He apologizes.

I can't even... Ugh! Damn it' I just got the courage to ask her out, but my plan was damned ruin because of Sasuke.

I slowly nod listening to what he says. "Okay.. So here's the plan...."



Sakura's POV

"Sakura!! It's the day of the beach!!" As Ino squeals.

I nod. "What should I bring and wear?" I ask her. I feel so carefree today like nothing's going to happen. Let's hope it stays that way.

"The pink and white. Bring your phone, we can jam around the beach listening and dancing to music. 1D is life! Bring lotion, towels and everything else you need. K I have to get ready too. See yah!"

She leaves without letting me say anything. I start to grab all of the things, I turned on my music of One Direction and jump around singing.

"THATS WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!" I sing out loud. Without a care to anybody who heard me. "IF ONLY YOU COULD SEE WHAT I COULD SEE YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHAT--"

*BEEP* I sighed, interrupting my solo. I lower the volume, but enough so I can still hear it.

I have loved you since we were 18..
Long before we both thought the same thing..

To be loved and to be in love..
I could do is say that these arms are made for holding you..

I wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18..

'Hmm?' I answer the call.

'Hey SAKURA CHAAAN! Wanna meet and get RAMEEEN!'

I laugh, 'oh naruto..'

'Yeah. Meet you there' I replied.


"SAKURA CHAAAAN!!!" I see his hand waving rapidly. I walk over to him. I see Sasuke standing beside him. What is he doing here?

Naruto what have you done now?

sorry I don't haven't updated in such a long time. my homework and stuff.

follow my insta; altheaeuraoba

updats might take longer. x

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