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Hey,I'm quite busy today so I'm probably going to make this one short. Sorry guys. I said PROBABLY.

here it goes -dont forget to comment or vote!


Sasuke's POV

I was too late. Sebastian already got her, I see him holding her in his arms.

Why didn't i ... god. I'm so stupid!'

inner sasuke: I told you didn't i? but who didn't listen. you did.

'OK OK! you don't have to do that. I'm so stupid. why didn't I ask her first. Like why did I hesitate?'

inner sasuke: well, you know.. you could spy on their date....

'what?! that's mean and rude to spy on someone's date you know!'

inner sasuke: but it's sakura were talking about! you never know.. Sebastian might ask her.. hmmm

'what no! they just met! why would they go out?!'

inner sasuke: I told you. it's your fault for letting Karin sit on your lap. Cnsequences my dear friend.

'Karin sat on me! and besides you were busy mocking me so I didn't see her!'

inner sasuke: whatever whatever! you better hurry up if you want to see their date.

'fine OK! but just shut up....this is frustrating me by the minute '

'I know I'm going to regret this later... oh well.. for the sake of sakura.'

I sit up on my bed ruffling my hair, and walking out of my room.

Oh right, I don't have a shirt on. I'm not walking around shirtless.

I grabbed my black shirt and put it on. "mom! I'm going out for a bit! I'll be back before 10:00!" I yell.

"OK! be careful, I don't want my son to be dead!" she replies back yelling.

"I will!" I chuckle.

"I don't even know which ice cream parlor!" I say, still annoyed.


Sakura's POV

I quickly took a quick shower and picked out my clothes.

I didn't want to be smelly in front of Sebastian...

But all I can think about is sasuke.. did I hurt him by not going with him?

I feel bad. I'm wearing a pink flowy dress and got out my white flats that I just bought when I was in Korea.

I look over myself at the mirror, one last time.

'did I overdo it? should I change..? What if he thinks I'm ugly? '

inner sakura: no you look fine. but sakura?


inner sakura: what about sasuke?

'sasuke... I really do like him.. but I know he won't like a pink hair stupid girl. like me..'

inner sakura: no your pretty, and I know deep down sasuke will someday realize that he actually likes you.

'I just... I don't know.. '

inner sakura: let's stop talking about it. do something with your hair it looks ugly.

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