Chapter- 15

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Eyyyyy. Sorry for the long update. Sorry for the short story I had in the last chapter, I promise I'll make this one a bit longer than before.

Here it goes...


Sakura's POV

Where the heck could Ino be? She should to be here by 6:00 and she's still not here.

I dial her phone number... 'Sorry the number you're calling is currently unavailable, please leave a message after the tone..'

Damn her.

I sit down on the bench across the ice cream shop. I could hear my stomach growling. I wait for another few minutes. It's already 6:15 and she's not here!

Inner Sakura: go get some ice cream, maybe she's not coming. And besides you should treat yourself once in a while.

You know what? I will.

As I get up from the bench, I see a dark black hair which I can tell is sasuke, but who is that girl with him?

Inner Sakura: dude. Who the f is that chick.

'I don't know, and I don't really care'

Inner Sakura: yeah you do, go over there

'I will certainly not!'

Inner Sakura: yes you will. Go. NOW.

Fine! Stupid voice in my head.

Inner Sakura: I can hear that.


As I walk closer to them, they go inside the ice cream shop. Oh, what a coincidence.

I sighed, and opened the door in the ice cream shop.

I look around for them, "Oh hey! Sakura! I didn't know you were coming here?"

I turn around to see Sebastian, waving to me. I walk over to him, and sit across him.

I look around in search of that girl and Sasuke.

'Wait. Why do I even care about this?'

Inner Sakura: because you love sasuke.

'No. '

Inner Sakura: yes. Now shut up.


"So Sakura, what brings you here?" Sebastian asks me.

"Oh just some ice cream, duh what is the point of going to an ice cream parlor?" I reply, and laugh.

He laughs with me "okay okay I
get your point."

"Hey, I'm going to quickly order over there, be right back." I say, and he nods.

As I get up, I bump into someone and they spill their ice cream on me. My clothes stained with ice cream.

Wtf? Really?

"OMG, I'm so sorry. Forgive me" as she frantically looks for a napkin.

"No no it's--" I look up to see it was the girl that Sasuke was with. You have got to be kidding me?

She had pretty blond hair, her face contoured well. She had the body of a super model while I look like a potato. She wore amazing clothes, high waisted shorts and a crop top. Her heels was perfect, she looked amazing. I am nothing compared to her. I sighed

"Sakura?" I turn around to see Sasuke looking right at me. Well isn't this a good day.

Why does this always have to happen to me? Why do I always end up getting hurt?...


Okaaaay... I'm doneeee for now hahaha, I'm super duper tired and you guys are lucky I made this.

I'll update as soon as I can.

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