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Hey guys... My life hurts because school is coming up and i may not update soon. and since i haven't updated in months, im sorry. please forgive me. comment/vote/ and be a fan!

Here goes chapter 11


Sasuke's POV

I run towards Sakura as soon as she came out of the bathroom. I see tears forming in her eyes "you can cry.." I whisper in her ear.

"thank you sasuke.."

inner sasuke: DUDE! KISS HER!


inner sasuke: are you stupid and deaf?! KISS HER ALREADY!

alright alright!

I hesitated, what if she doesnt like it? What if she pulls back?! What if she will hate me? what if... what?! so many 'what if's' that could happen!!!

I lean in and crash my lips unto hers.

She kisses me back gently, our lips seemed to fit perfectly to one another..

so she doesnt hate me?

For what seems like an eternity, she pulls back and stares at me. "Sasuke..." she whispers.


"Sasuke.. I.." i interuppted her. "Sakura before you say anything, l want you to know I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend." I say serious. I stare at her green eyes,waiting for an answer.

"Sasuke, i dont know.. i... will you give me some time to think about it?" she says.

What... Did I just get rejected?

I feel my heart shatter for a second.

I force my self to nod "Ok... take as much time as you need.."

She backs away slowly and leaves me alone in the dark lonely hallway.

I didn't expect that answer at all. but I can wait. I will wait as long as it takes. I love her and I am not giving up.

Sakura's POV

I pull back from him, "Sasuke..." I whisper. "yeah?" I hear his reply.

"Sasuke.. I " was interrupted by him. "Sakura before you say anything, I want you to know I love you and  want you to be my girlfriend."

Pardon me? his girlfriend?

It's not possible, there are so many consequences if we are together.

I have Karin to worry about.. Lena... my parents they won't ever agree to this.

"Sasuke, I don't know..I.. will you give me some time to think about it?" I say slowly.

He nods" Ok.. take as much time as you need."

I slowly back away from him and leave him.

I can't.. i just can't go out with him.. I just met him.. like what? 2 days ago?

I need to think about this. UGH!


"Sakura! wait up!" I turn around to see Ino running torwards me and Sebastian trying to keep up with her. I laugh at him, "Hi..." I say

"So.... what happened with you and Sasuke?" she ask. Sebastian nods beside her. "Oh... he asked me out..." I mumble.

"what I can't hear you?!" Ino screams and goes closer to me.

"he asked me out!" I say a little louder.

"yayyyyyy!" she jumps up and down. "so you guys are going out now?" sebastian asks.

should i tell them? Is this even right?

I shake my head slowly "no... I told him I needed time to think about it."

"WHAT Why would you do that??!" Ino screams. Sebastian stares at me wide eyed.

"I have to go.. my parents are looking for me. I'll text you what happened!" I walk away from them.

"SAKURA!" I hear. I sighed why can't I be left alone seriously! I need some peace!!!

I see an angry and i mean ANGRY Lena walking towards me. Her face full of rage, ready to explode.

i sighed "what?" I sighed, this day has been so hectic.

"Sasuke is whats up! Don't talk to him and I know he asked you out. I want you to stay away from him and reject him got it?" She commands me, glaring.

what right does she have to tell me what to do?

I didn't say anything "you got that?!" she screams and stomps away from me.

oh god..


Hey guyssss... im sorry like I'm kneeling sorry for not updating in such a long time!

Please forgive me!

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OK! wait for the next update! love you guys ! xx

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