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I am in a depressing mood right now. so I'm sorry if this story is boring. peace.

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Sasuke's POV

I wonder what's taking Sakura so long. I watch the whole scene infront of me...well they handled it well I guess..

"See teme, your girlfriend can handle it." Naruto teases. I give him a death glare "shes not my girlfriend..yet" I mumbled the last the part hoping no one heard it. they did. shiii-

"yet, sasuke? yet?!" Neji laughs. "Shut up! I was um.. kidding?" I say to them trying not to freak out. "hm.. of course" yeah sure." "ok!" they all say. What troublesome people. hey! i dont say that.. Shikamaru says that!

I shake my head in annoyance. I get up "I'm going to look for her." I tell them. They look at me and "sasuke will look for his girlfriend!" Naruto says in a girly voice. I swear, one day I will kill him. but now is not the time.

I walk out of the lunch room and check Tsunade's office. I knock on the door and peek my head "Lady Tsunade, is sakura here by chance?" i ask.

Shes working on some stuff and she looks up " sorry no, she left a few minutes ago. why?" she questions me.

think of something sasuke! dont look like a fool!

"oh um, i have something to give back to her... um.. her textbook? yeah her textbook... yeah ok bye.." I sprint out of there. phew. luckily she didnt ask anymore questions.

I hear noises in the girls bathroom, I stood a little far away from it, I face a locker so if anybody sees me, I'm not stalking the girls bathroom.

I check the hallways to see if anybody was there. no one good. but I Cant just walk in the girls bathroom!

think sasuke think! sakura might be in there!

inner sasuke; hurry up stupid!

i dont know what to do! i cant just walk in there and say " hey is my beloved sakura there? dear me I need her so bad! (wow.. that seemed so wrong)"

inner sasuke; ok, dont be stupid. wait and see if anybody comes out.

yeah yeah whatever. Istand there looking quite stupid.

inner sasuke; why dont you just text message her or call her!?

I'm so stupid! I face palmed my self and took out my phone.

should i message or call?

I'll text first, if she doesnt answer back then I'll call her.

'hey saw what happened, where are you?' i pressed send. I wait for her message. nothing for the past, I check the time, 10 seconds. whats wrong with me?! why am i getting so worked up?!

I finally decide to call her after 1 minute. I dial her number and it rings a few times.


"Sasuke kun I need help! I'm at the --" I hear a beep and no one on the other line. what the f just happened!?

I  dial her again but no answer! ugh! I know she's in there and she's in trouble. I'm not going in there!

I go back to the lunch room and tell the guys about everything. They listen to me attentively. they nod and agreed to help me.

We go back to outside the girls washroom. We all stand there awkwardly "we cant just go in there you know.." Shikamaru mumbles.

"OMG we are so stupid! how bout Ino, she can go in there!" naruto yells. I mentally facepalmed my self. why didn't i think of that?!

"here, i have her number I'll call her." Shikamaru dials. "hey ino, yeah, sakura needs help... hm. yeah.. outside the girls bathroom... yeah just hurry up... We dont have all day you know!" shikamaru talks.

"HEY IM HERE!" Ino screams. She runs in the bathroom.


Sakura's POV

"Sasuke kun i need help! im at the --" before Karin grabs my phone and hurls it to the wall. i shriek. My phone is smashed into pieces. I swear to God I will kill this chick if thats the last thing I do. She will die.

"ooppss sorry!" she mocks. "didn't I remind you sakura that sasuke kun is mine?" she pulls my hair. I groan in pain, but don't say anything. "and well, since you didn't listen, you have to pay the price now."

Karin pulls out a knife in her bag and shows it to me. "see this sakura, this will be the last thing you will see." I hear the bathroom door swing open.

I see Ino there and she looked like she was about to kill somebody. She walks up to Karin and slaps her in the face.

"don't touch sakura again." she says and grabs my hand. "or else what?!" Karin lifts up the knife and again I see the door swing open.

This time I see Tsunade standing there, I can't even explain the look in her face. "KARIN DROP THE KNIFE NOW OR I SWEAR.... I WANT YOU TO MY OFFICE NOW. YOU TWO WITH KARIN. NOW." she yells in a commanding voice.

Karin drops the knife and gives me a death glare " you will pay for this. You will" she screams and walks out.

The other two follows her and leaves me and Ino alone with tsunade.

"Are you ok?" Ino hugs me.

I nod but inside "are you kidding me? I was almost killed!

"i'll leave you two." tsunade leaves.

I quickly change to the uniform tsunade give me. It was pinkish one, I look like a cheerleader.

gah. "lets go."

I walk out when I see all of the boys standing there. Sasuke rushes to me and hugs me. im like what?!

inner sakura: ohhhhhh sakuraaaa !

'shut up! your ruining the moment.'

I look at him and I feel tears forming in my eyes. "We will leave you two alone.." they all back out and leave both of us alone.

"you can cry." I hear him whisper. I let all of my tears fall. "thank you sasuke." I feel his soft lips on mine.

I kiss him back.


i am soooooo sorry. i havent uploaded in weeks. please forgive me. do you guys like this one.... i hope you did.

please vote and comment!xx

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please keep reading! xx

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