Entry # 8

350 18 13

Thursday, 2007, November 1

It’s 1:28 a.m.

I just got home from trick-or-treating with Tammy, Kyle, and Triston.  It was such a blast that I can’t even describe how elated I am.  You’d think that we’d stop going T.o.T when we are thirteen but no.  T.o.T doesn’t end until we are at least eighteen for sure.  We got lots and lots of candy (Kyle getting the most since he brought to empty pillow cases!)  That little cheat.  I almost stole his case when he wasn’t looking but that would have been a very mean thing to do. I’m sure that he would have cried his eyes out.  That boy does like his candy.

I must sound like I’m on a sugar rush.  I think I am.  I ate like twenty pieces of 3muskeeters, four watermelon lollipops, and I can’t remember what else. BUT IT WAS A LOT!  I actually want some more.  Candy + a teenager girl = a very happy Gwen! Gosh, I am high….high off of sugar!

Anyways, it was a great night.  I feel like Triston might like me but then again I don’t know.  I think that he is just being nice.  I actually think that this girl named Molly likes him.  She’s in my English class and I heard her talking about him the other day.  Who knows?  I am not one to meddle in with the affairs of love.  I wished she’d tell him how she feels, though.  Maybe then Triston would stop liking me.  I feel bad for the guy.  I mean he is really nice and here I am not giving him the time of day.  But I only see him as a friend.  A really good friend and I don’t want to ruin our friendship.  But then again, I might be reading into this since I don’t know for sure if he likes me.


Anyways…I dressed up as a gypsy this year.  Probably not a good idea since it was freezing!  Triston let me borrow his leather jacket and that made the night tolerable or else I would have been home in an hour tops.  Tammy dressed as an Egyptian princess while Kyle was a mummy.  If that didn’t suggest that they liked each other than I didn’t know what else did.  It was blaringly obvious that they liked one another!  Why didn’t he just ask her out already!  I think I want to hurt him if he doesn’t.

Again, with the violence.

Anyways….Triston dressed as a pirate.  He had the whole makeshift eye patch and parrot on his shoulder.  It was pretty funny actually.  He even got a fake gold earring to dangle from his ear.  When I saw him I couldn’t stop laughing and he actually punched me!  It wasn’t very hard but still.  I bet I could have beaten him up any day since you know, he can’t hit a girl.

I had a huge advantage there.

After we were done T.o.T, the gang and I went to eat at Burger King.  By the time that our food was done, I dug in with a hunger that was out of the norm for me.  I was starving!  What can I say?  I honestly wanted another burger but I didn’t want to look like a pig in front of my friends.  They already were looking at me like some freak – I didn’t need to give them another reason.

All in all, today was pretty amazing.  I should probably get out of my costume and go to bed.  I’m too tired to shower.  The thing that sucks though is that I have school in a couple of hours.  Ugh.  Maybe I should shower so that I don’t have to wake up early to do so. Hmm….yep. Shower it is!  Ugh.  School.  I’m already dreading it.  Maybe I can convince Mom to let me stay in today.    

Hehehe I’m so devious sometimes :P

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