Morning Encounter

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Aphmau's POV:
"Celestia! It's time to go for your morning walk!"
I walked out onto the thin layer of snow, clenching Celestia's leash. I saw Aaron outside, on his usual morning jog.
I called out to him, "Aaron!"
Aaron's POV:
"I wonder if I'll see Aphmau walking Celestia today?" I thought to myself...
I'll just have to go and see, I guess... I started jogging down the street, I'm almost in front of Aphmau's house, as she called out to me.
Aphmau's POV:
"Hey Aaron!" I greeted.
He just replied with his usual hi.... I wondered if he realized how nervous I was...
"What is this feeling that I get when I'm around him?" I questioned myself, "Do I like him...? No way", I ignored that thought...
"Is it okay if I come over later on, after you come home from work?", I asked, eagerly.
"Sure", he replied.
"When do you think you'll be home?"
"Probably at 6:30pm"
"I'll go there at 7:00, is that okay?"
"Okay, see you then!", I said, as I left.
Aaron's POV:
I hope she doesn't ask me anything, I'm too nervous to reply to her, much less talk to her. "Why do I love her so much?" I snapped at myself.
I was too nervous to answer with any fancy replies, so i just replied to her as casual as i could. I greeted her with just a hi.
*Aphmau has her conversation with Aaron*
"Should I tell her how I feel when she comes over tonight, or should I wait?" I pondered.
"I'll wait, there's probably a more suiting time to ask her", I told myself, hoping that the time would come soon.
I hope you enjoyed this! It's my first time writing a fanfic, so I hope this was interesting! Hopefully the POV changes weren't confusing. I hope to see you in Pt.2!

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