Updates (twist)

1.8K 26 11

Hey! Two things, one THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 16k! Second, I just wanted to say that I decided to change the plot "a bit" (more like the WHOLE storyline, but anyways,) because I just thought that this twist could add to the story, let me know what you guys think! I also changed it up a bit, because I was getting a bit bored writing this, so yea -3-!Also, I wanted to say that I'm moving at the moment, so I won't have much time to update this. I hope you guys aren't too mad.... I also have school getting in the way, so that's a whole different problem..... Anyways, I'm starting to ramble, so I hope to see you guys in the next (actual) part! So until then, ba-baiiiiiiiiii! ;3

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