Aphmau's reason?

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Aphmau's POV:
"Aaron......... I..... I don't know what to say.....", I whispered.
"You don't need to say anything Aphmau", he assured me, "I just want to ask you something, I don't need an answer right away.......... Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Aaron..... I can't......", I said, as I started to cry.
"Can you at least....... Think about it?", he asked.
"I already made up my mind Aaron......", I whispered, continuing to cry.
"Why?", he asked, confused.
"I have my reasons Aaron", I whispered.
"Do you love someone else?", he asked.
"No....... I don't.....", I whispered.
I tightly hugged Aaron and ran off, I'm such a coward......
Aaron's POV:
Did I do something wrong? I thought she loved me back, because she didn't pull away when I kissed her..... Was it wrong to think like that? Is it because I asked so suddenly? Maybe I'll ask her again after a while...... Hopefully she'll say yes then, or at least give it some thought. I guess I just made my move too fast.
<time skip to the next day>
Aphmau's POV:
I feel like I should text Aaron an apology..... I didn't mean to just run off, I just..... Have my reasons. Yeah, that's it.... My reasons.....
Text with Aaron:
"Hey Aphmau"
"Do you wanna come over again?"
"I can?"
"Of course!"
"I'm soooooooo sorry about yesterday.... I didn't mean to leave so suddenly"
"No, it's fine, I get why you would've acted that way"
"Thanks, I'll be over as soon as I get ready"
"Okay, see you then!"
Aphmau's POV:
C'mon Aphmau! You got this! *splashes water on face* Why am I thinking so much about yesterday? It shouldn't bother me that I quote on quote rejected him...... Yet this uneasy feeling...... Well, I do have my...... Reasons...... Ahhh! I need to get ready, I don't want to keep him waiting for too long.
Aaron's POV:
Just get your act together! I need to forget about yesterday, I knew she was going to act somewhat like that...... I just didn't think she would leave so suddenly..... What are her reasons? I can just ask her when she comes over.
Again, I am sooooo sorry for the lack of updates, but I hope I can keep up a little better! Though I am on my trip at the moment, I have a lot of time to be writing parts of the story when I'm on the plane. Hopefully this part didn't seem so.... Dragged on? I just wanted to have the part where she reveal her reasons in the next part/chapter. Thank you guys soooooo much for your much appreciated support, and I hope you guys continue to read this FF!

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