New character (Closed)

1.6K 19 86

Hey guys! I just wanted to create this part to let you guys know that I'll be adding a new character in this story, and you guys can create a character! I got this idea from someone who commented a character they wanted in the story. I also wanted to put this as part of an apology and a thank you to you guys! I am so, so sorry for the lack of parts, again due to projects, homework, and life struggles. I also wanted to say thank you guys, so, so much for all the support you guys have been giving me, you guys have NO IDEA how much it means to me! Thank you guys, so, so much for 19k reads! I never thought I would ever get that many reads, but I did, and it all thanks to you guys, so thank you guys so, so much! I'm starting to ramble, so on with the contest!
Here's what you guys will need:
First name:
Last name:
Hair color:
Eye color:
Main personality trait:
Default Clothing:
Summary of backstory*:
*i may or may not include this in the story, i need those, if I decide to use it, so you guys have the control over your character, besides
what happens.
Example (this is my character, and I may or may not use it, let me know if you guys would want to see her in it!)
First name: Luna
Last name: Stilette (cuz I don't know what Aaron's last name is)
Hair color: Royal blue
Eye color: Cyan
Main personality trait: Stubborn (I might change it later)
Default clothing: Gray tee-shirt, light colored jeans, black cloak (stays on), black mask (stays on), and black vans
Crush: None (I might add one later on)
Family: Aaron's younger sister (cuz for some reason he has one)
Summary of backstory: I was kidnapped at a very young age and reunited with Aaron, more dramatic events happened in my life, causing me to hide my identity, and to lock up my emotions 'forever'. (Might change throughout story)
Make sure when you guys give me your character submission, that you state if I can change it as the story progresses!
I will be choosing winners after a few more parts, and feel free to submit up to 3 characters! I will choose the amount of characters to add by the submission amount, so good luck to all! Until the next part, ba-baiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

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