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<I will not put the whole conversation (dialogue) with Aphmau, but I will put what Aaron was thinking during it>
Aaron's POV:
I have to tell Aphmau today, if I don't, I may never have the chance to tell her.....to tell her how I really feel..... She already knows how I feel about her, but I don't feel right if I don't tell her.....
*knock* *knock*
That must be Aphmau, I thought to myself. I opened the door and I noticed her wearing the sweater I got her. She looked so beautiful, as always.
"Hey Aaron", she said, sort of awkwardly.
That must've been because of the last time we met, I assumed.
*I grab Aphmau*
Why did I do it so suddenly? What if Garroth or Laurance sees? What if Aphmau doesn't like it? Well, she's not pulling away, so I can only assume she's okay with it. The silence was so...... I don't know.... Nice? I liked having Aphmau by my side, and just hugging...... I decided to tell Aphmau in words, how I really felt about her, she probably already knows what I want to tell her though.... I'm so nervous I start to mumble.... I see a tear rolling down Aphmau's face...... Is she okay? Did I do something wrong? I ask her if everything was okay...... She's I guess... Torn.... Between her feelings..... She doesn't know if she could love me or not... I get it, but I want her to be able to love me....... I just want to see if she'd be able to love me....
*I pull Aphmau closer and give her a kiss*
She blushed beat red, but she didn't pull away. Was she okay with the kiss? Did she enjoy it?
*everything that happened in the last chapter has happened*
I whispered in her ear, "I love you"
She was still beet red and shaken up.... Of course I couldn't hold back... What's wrong with me?!
"Aaron...?", she whispered.
"Yeah?", I asked.
"Did you really mean it?", she responded.
"Uhhhh..... Yea..... Why?", I questioned.
And we'll continue in the next part! Thank you guys so much for 1k reads/views (I have no clue what they're actually called)! I'm also very sorry about how long it took me to write this chapter. School is coming to the end of its quarter, and my teachers are giving us last minute tests, quizzes, and projects to put in more grades for this quarter. Thank you to everyone who waited for this chapter/part! See you in the next one!

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