Where am I?

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Aphmau's POV:
"Aaron, I-", I said, as Aaron kissed me.
"Aphmau, I love you-", I heard Aaron say before I blanked out.
Everything went dark and I open my eyes only to see a white ceiling.(You guys didn't see that coming, did ya? ;3)
Aaron's POV:
I've been waiting for so long for Aphmau to wake up..... I don't think I would want to wait any longer, I miss her so much........ Katelyn, Laurance, Garroth, and the others also miss her, but I just need Aphmau back in my life. I love her, and I regret not telling her. I should've said something about my feelings sooner! Why was I so stubborn?! I looked down at my hands and started to shake my leg (like you know, that weird habit some people have like moving their leg up and down). I'm so nervous. What if she never wakes up? No..... I quickly shake that thought out of my head, I have to believe that she'll come back...... For us..... She can't just leave us like that! I-We all need her back in our lives.........
"Aphmau", I whispered, with a tear in my eye. Like she would be able to hear me, I rolled my eyes thinking about how dumb I was. W-wait.... She actually woke up?!
Aphmau's POV:
Where am I? I thought I was with Aaron at his house....... Everything that happened..... I'm so confused..... I looked to my side, and I stared into Aaron's eyes.
"APHMAU!", he whisper-yelled, shocked.
"Aaron?", I ask, making sure it was him.
"Yeah?", he replied, with a confused look on his face.
"Wh-what happened?", I questioned, not knowing what happened to me.
"You don't remember anything, do you?", he answered, his smile turning into a frown.
"I don't know anything.....", I replied, starting to tear up.
"Aphmau, what's wrong?", he asked, worried.
"WAIT, DID YOU JUST TALK TO APHMAU?!", I heard a familiar voice yell as they opened the door, sprinting in.
Hope you guys enjoyed that part! Thank you guys so, so much for 15k reads! Thank you guys for over 2k reads on my first part!I really appreciate all your guys' support! I don't want to keep your guys for long, so until the next part, ba-baiiiiiiiii!

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