Final Destination

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Aphmau's POV:
I wake up to see a forest around the clearing I rested at. Beautiful flowers were in this clearing and I saw a dense forest on one side, and a less dense forest on the other, with a village at the end of it. "This is your final destination" a voice said.
"Wh-who are you?", I asked, not knowing what was going on.
"You don't need to know, all you need to know is that you just traveled between different dimensions, and this is your last dimension. You decide how you want to live out your life, in the village with kind-hearted people, or in the dense forest, with no people what-so-ever. Your choice", she replied.
"I think I want to stay in contact with humanity...", I answered, getting up.
"Good! I'll be there in your hard times, so until then, bye!", she greeted as I started to walk toward the village.
I got to the gate to see a guard with royal blue hair looking down at me...... Looks like.... Dante? Wait.... What if I don't know him in this dimension? What do I do? Oh no......
"Hello?", I greeted, looking back at the guard.
"Who are you?", he interrogated.
"I-I'm Aphmau.... What's your name?" I asked, hoping it was Dante.
"The name's Dante, why are you here?", he probed.
"I just wanted a place to settle at", I answered, hoping he would let me in.
"Alright", he answered, slightly hesitantly.
"Thank you!", I replied, while I started to walk into the gate.
This town looks like it's in ruins..... I guess I shouldn't judge a book by its cover.... I walked a little more along the path, until I saw another gate.... Wait, Is that why he let me in so easily?
"Hello?", I asked hoping to get another guard's attention.
"Y-yes?", she answered, turning towards me, but she had a black mask on covering her facial features, but I could see her long blue locks coming out of her cloak.
"I wanted to get through", I notified her.
"Who may you be, and why do you want to get through?" She asked, with a stern look.
"I'm Aphmau, and I was just looking for a village to settle in to", I replied, waiting for her to approve of me.
"Hold on", she mentioned, as she jumped down from the top of the gate.
"Hi! I'm Luna, I just wanted to talk to you and look through your items to make sure you won't be putting any of the villagers at risk!", she answered..... Very bubbly I see....
Thank you guys, so so much for 22k! I can't thank you guys enough! You guys are so awesome! Again, sorry for the lack of posts, so I thank you guys for understanding as well! Until next time, ba-baiiiiii!

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