Aphmau's reply

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Aaron's POV:
I hope Aphmau's okay..... I don't want her to be distressed for too long. I hate seeing her like this, it hurts me so much to see her like this.
"My f-feelings are just....... All over the place", Aphmau continued.
"Aphmau, you know you can tell me anything, right? I'll always be there for you", I said.
"I-I know..... I just-", as she was talking I held her tight in my arms.
"Aphmau, just know that I love you, and I want to be with you, but more importantly, I just want to see you happy. If being with Laurance or Garroth makes you happy, then go for it, don't feel bad just because you would end up rejecting two of us, because ultimately, we just want you to be happy with whomever you choose", I mentioned.
"I shouldn't feel bad? But I...... I would be breaking your hearts if I chose one of you guys.......", she replied.
"Don't be, we all knew you were going to make this decision, and we already predicted that you were going to do this, so done feel bad", I assured her.
"Oh........... I do like one of you guys, but I don't know how to tell everyone......", she said, softly.
"Well, you can start off with telling me, that way if you feel too emotional to tell the others of your decision, I can tell them for you", I suggested.
"No, I can't start with you......... I have to start with Travis and Zane....... Know that I do trust you, I just need to tell them first.....", she answered.
"I understand......... I just hope you tell everyone your decision soon, because I don't think I could wait any longer", I replied.
Aphmau's POV:
"I just need to go for a moment.... I need to just have some time to get my thoughts together", I said, as I left.
"I love you", I mumbled, closing the door behind me.
Somehow, I ended up at Zane's house....... I guess this is when I tell him.....
*knock* *knock*
"Hey Aph- what's wrong?", he immediately asked.
"That's why I'm here.....", I replied
"Come in, I also wanted to tell you something", he mentioned.
"Oh.... Okay", I said, walking inside.
*we sit on the couch*
"You can go first", I told him.
"No, I'm sure what you have to say is more important than what I have to say", he replied.
"Just tell me, I want to hear what you wanted to tell me first", I assertively said.
"Okay...... Fine", he replied.
THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 3K READS! I can't thank you guys enough for all the support you guys have given me. I hope you guys continue to enjoy this fanfic! I have a little twist/surprise for you guys in the next part, so stay tuned! Of course, knowing my life, some thing is going to find a way to prevent me from updating when I wish, so I hope the wait will be worth it. So until then, ba-baiiiiii!

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