After Work

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Aphmau's POV:
*looks at watch*
"Oh! It's almost time!", I yelped.
"What? Did I miss something?", Katelyn replied.
"No, not at all"
I cracked a smile and started to make my way to Aaron's house. I wondered if I should stop by the maid cafe to pick up some cake. I mean it wouldn't hurt to get some, so I did. On the way to the maid cafe I see Travis.
"Hi Travis!", I yelled.
"Hey Aphmau, what are you up to, all alone?", he winked at me.
"I'm just heading to the maid cafe to pick up some cake"
"Cool, can I come along"
I think Travis is up to something, but I can't put a finger to what it is. Putting that thought aside, I got a red velvet cake to take with me. I left the maid cafe and was half way to Aaron's house.
"Travis, how long are you going to be following me", I questioned.
"Just until you get to your destination", he answered.
I got to Aaron's house, and I told Travis that this was my destination. He walked away, keeping me clueless about what he planned to achieve by following me.
Aaron's POV:
I wonder if Aphmau wants to go out for dinner, or if she wants to order pizza, I would be fine either way. Why do I feel so nervous? I don't need to be, I'm not asking her out today... Not today.... Not today.... Soon...
<Little Time Skip>
Aphmau's here! Calm down Aaron, you got this.
"Hi Aphmau!", I greeted.
"Hey!"she said, a little awkwardly.
"What's that you got there?", I asked.
"Oh, uh... It's some cake!", she said, eagerly.
I motioned her to come in. Should I tell her how I feel about her? I don't know if I can wait much longer. The feelings I have for her are getting stronger by the day. I feel so anxious waiting for that 'right moment'.
"So, what do you want to do?" I asked.
"Can we watch Frozen?", she replied.
"I don't want to..."
"Please!!!", she said with sparkly kawaii eyes.
We just finished watching Frozen... Aphmau really likes that movie... She memorized all the songs by heart...
"Look at the time! I gotta go, but enjoy the cake!", Aphmau said, before leaving.
"See you later, and thanks for the cake", I said, as she left.
"Oh, and maybe if it's okay, wanna hang out tomorrow? At my place?", she asked.
"Sure, I'll see you then", I answered.
I guess I'll always have next time to tell her.... Hopefully I can tell her then...
Hope you enjoyed this part of my very first fanfic. It may take a while before I get more parts out, because I'm quite busy with school, but hopefully it's worth the wait! Thanks for reading, and see you in the next part!

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