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Zane's POV:
(This is the "special" thing for you guys! :3)
I don't know if I should tell her this when she's distraught..... Maybe I should tell her later and make up something to tell her........ No, I can't.... I set my mind to tell her the next time I saw her, no matter if it was in front of others..... I need to tell her.
"Aphmau, I.......... I love you......", I muttered, starting to blush.
"Zane..... You're kidding right?", she said, in shock.
"I'm sorry....... I just had to tell you....... You don't need to tell me anything, I know you probably like someone else, but I just needed to tell you that", I answered.
"I actually came to talk to you about that.....", she replied.
Oh my Irene, what is with this timing? I should've just let her say her thing first, then I wouldn't have had to make things more awkward for her...... Ughhhh! I'm such an idiot!
Aphmau's POV:
"Zane...... You weren't the only one who told me that they loved me", I started.
"First, Garroth , then Laurance, then Aaron asked me out......... They all also told me that they loved me......... Now you....... I'm so sorry, but my heart is taken by another.....", I said.
"I thought you would say that", he replied.
"I originally came here to tell you who I liked, cuz I decided to answer to one of the three's question to date me....... And I just didn't know how to go about breaking the news, and I thought that you should be the one I go to, because I trust you", I said.
"I just want to see you happy, so if you're happy with another, I don't care who it is, if he can make you happy", he answered.
They all just want me to be happy........ I know who can make me happy, and I'm going to tell everyone. I want everyone to know who I choose....... They deserve to know.
"Zane........ It's Aaron.....", I stated.
"What about hi- oh......... So it's him then.....", he said.
"Yeah...... I choose him....... I want to be with him.... I love being with him and no matter what we're doing, it's always fun..... I love Aaron.....", I told him.
"Then go tell him that, it's not me that you need to tell, just go tell him that you love him and that you want to be his girl, and that he can make you happy, more than anyone", he commanded.
"I-I know....... I will tell him.......", I assured him.
"Go..... Now.......", he said.
"O....okay......", I said, blushing, as I walked out of zane's door.
*knock* *knock*
"I made my decision Aaron..............", I said.
THANK YOU FOR 6K READS! I hope you guys enjoyed this part as well! Thank you guys so much for reading this fanfic and continuing to support it! Whenever I have time, I will try to grind out a few parts, so that I can put out more parts for you guys, without the long wait! See you guys in the next part!

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