Chapter 1

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A/N : It's the first time I write a story. I'm not expecting a lot of readers or votes. I just want to pour my idea out. I don't usually read romance books, that's why I challenge myself to write a romance. I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes. I'm Asian and English is not my language, so I'll be glad if you guys tell me about the grammar mistakes. Thank you.

"James! We're getting late." I shouted to my brother. It was a busy morning as usual. My bag was slung on my right arm and my left hand holding Rachel, my 5 year old sister. Every morning we would go together and dropped Rachel off to her day care. I felt bad about it but we didn't have a choice. I had to go to college and James had to go to school. He was a gorgeous 16 year old boy. But I never heard of him dating. Weird, there must be a bunch of girls who threw themselves at him. I never really questioned him about it though. He was a good boy and a good brother. I was happy with it.

"Coming." He answered me pulling me back to the present. He picked up Rachel and started walking off. I sighed. If only we had parents, we wouldn't be like this. Our parents died in an accident last year. Since then, I took care of my siblings. We had no one. Before the questions about my siblings custody rose, I ran away with them. I was 19 at the time. Sure I was considered as adult, but I didn't want to take the risks. We moved to a faraway remote city. Our parents left us some money, but I was keeping it for James and Rachel. So instead of using the money, I did part time jobs before and after college. In the morning, I would go delivering papers for my neighborhood. Then after my last class in the afternoon I would do my part time job in a restaurant. Tiring, I know. But I'd do anything for my brother and sister.

We dropped Rachel off to the day care. This left me and James. "So James.." I started the conversation with James. "Aren't you gonna let me meet your girlfriend?". I knew the answer already but I kept asking him. "Hallie, come on. I told you I don't have a girlfriend. I don't need one." Yup, this was always his answer. But I still couldn't believe it. He was gorgeous to cry out loud. There must a girlfriend, right? " But James.." I started, but he was already running off to his school waving goodbye to me. I sighed again. Well, he would tell me in time.

I got to my college and stopped in front of the gate. It's the big fancy building for the rich kids. I wasn't rich. I got the scholarship to go to this college. Needless to say, I was The Unwanted. The girls said I was an image spoiler. The way I dress and all. They dress like Barbie, so of course I was nothing compared with them. I dress in a cheap jeans, shirts and sneakers. I wasn't ugly nor pretty but I was glad there was never any boy asked me out. They only asked the "popular" one. Not that I was complaining.

Weirdly, today felt different. I had a feeling something big's gonna happen to me. I could smell it. Yeah, I said smell. I was a werewolf. I had a better senses than normal human. "Hallie Winters! Get your butt here now!". Right, that was my lovely little friend, Lily. She was pretty with blonde hair and blue eyes. And she was the only girl I friend with. "What is it?" I walked faster to her side. "The hot guys from the other college are playing football with our team. We gotta see them, Hallie. Come on." She dragged me along to the football field before I even answered.

The feeling I had got stronger when I entered the football field. I could smell the scent. His scent. My mate. I didn't want a mate now. I needed to take care of my siblings. But I was curious about the guy. I looked around the field trying to find him. I just wanted to see him and go. Cheering erupted after a goal was made. Apparently the hot guy just made a goal. I saw a guy being lift up by his friends. He must be the one making that goal. I could see his back. Wow, did he have a nice back. Wait, did I just think that? I was never one to perv on people. But well, people said there's always the first, right? Right?

The guy started looking around, sniffing the air. I stiffened. This guy couldn't be my mate. No, if he turned around, he would see me. I had to go. Yup, definitely had to go. But I wanted to see his face. Okay, I knew I'd be in trouble if I saw him. But I thought it would be worth it. When the guy turned his head to my direction, my heart stopped beating. The guy was beyond handsome. He was the most gorgeous, attractive and hottest guy I have ever seen. He had black hair in a short messy style that made him looked sexy. Brown eyes which could drown you in, and right now he had a smirk on. Okay, that smirk was for me since I was sure he knew who I was. I smiled back at him and ran out the field. I couldn't have mate.

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