Do or die.

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Some days I feel like I could write a song about all the things I miss about you and other days I just want to hold them in my heart and feel nothing. There's something poetic about my sadness that I could never understand. I wake up every morning feeling incomplete and still my mind has so much to think about. Maybe the absence of you created enough space in my mind for these words to string together into a melody. But I can't sing. I can't talk, and I can't scream. I can't tell you about the songs in my head because you already know them. I used to love the sunset in your eyes but now even the sunrise brings pain. I wake up and my mind puts words together into these things I call thoughts and they break apart as soon as I open my mouth. No sounds, no words, nothing. And I'm starting to realize that this world we live in is really just a do or die. People tell you that you have to do everything, or else you're wasting your life away. You might as well be dead if your taking a nap, reading a book, or playing a game. There is no time to breathe, no time to think. You're either doing something, or you're dying. But the truth is, even if you do, you're still going to die. It's not sad, it's not tragic. It's life. So no matter how many times I am told that I am wasting my life dying, I will still fall asleep at 3 pm and nap until I want to awaken. Because I'd rather be asleep than be doing anything in a world with people like you. People who don't let you sleep because they're always on your mind. People who tell you to do, when all you want to do is die.

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