The mysterious person

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Hermione POV
She and Lily were at the leaky Cauldron waiting for padfoot and regulus to come back.
Regulus was disguised as sirius by Polyjuice Potion so as to confuse the residents.

Suddenly a bloody looking injured Sirius black apparated in front of them.
'They took Regulus. I barely escaped.' Heaved Sirius. Then slowly the tears fell.

Hermione and Lily gasped.
'We needed to plan properly.' Hermione muttered. 'All my fault.'
'Maybe we should call harry. He took those goons out quite easily. That will be an advantage.'

'Well I have booked the night here.' Said Hermione.
'Let's call harry and James to see how they are progressing.'
'Yeah.' Said Sirius.
Lily POV
'Hello.' said the voice of James.
'Hey James.'
'Lily.' He greeted like her name was something tender and special.
'So did your mission succeed potter?'
'Um yes we defeated the horcrux but there seems to be some inconveniences.'
Panic seized lily's heart.

'Remus. Harry. They all fine, right?'
'You know how sad harry became defeating the diadem horcrux?'
'Yeah.' Said Lily sadly.
'Well same way Remus defeated this one. Saw some pretty horrid things. Broke his spirit.'

Lily was upset. But she knew that they couldn't lose hope. Atleast not now.
'Well that's sad. I'm sorry about that.'
'Well your mission gone all right?' James asked hopefully.
'No. Actually it didn't. Sirius was injured badly and Regulus was captured.'
'What?' Said James alarmed.
'He's all right. Hermione healed him all right.'
'Oh. I panicked there for a moment.'

'Well I actually called for help.'
'Yeah see the Manor has a pureblood charm. So only Sirius and Regulus could enter. Last time harry took them out well. So if you all can come then ...'
'Well I will tell harry to go but Remus is in no condition to go and I can't leave Remus.'
'I understand.'
'Where to reach?'
'Tell harry to meet us tomorrow morning.'

'Make that today night at 7.' Said a different voice. Harry.
'You sure?'
'You see they won't be expecting another attack the same night.'
Explained harry.
'Harry's right, Lily.'
'Then I guess its goodbye for now?'
'Yes it is. And remember Lily, I love you.' Said James lovingly.
'I love you too James.' Said Lily affectionately.

Meanwhile somewhere entirely different someone locked up a man in a cupboard with enough place for breathing. The man was gagged and chained and thrown in.
'Obliviate.' Said the captor.
'Sorry.' As a tear fell. 'But it is necessary. For a while.'
The captor slammed the cupboard shut and left clutching something in his hand.
'Sorry.' The person said one last time and then walked away remorsefully.

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