A talk with Padfoot

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Harry POV
'So how many are left?' asked ginny sipping her hot chocolate.

'Well two more, miss wea-'
'Call me ginny.'
'Ok ginny, two more horcruxes are left, assuming the diary is destroyed and hoping against hope Hermione is fine and will return.'
'What about Malfoy?'

'Who gives a damn about malfoy' interrupted harry.
'Harry, I know he's evil but he helped you escape and could you bear more deaths after all that whomsoever it be?' Asked ginny softly.
Harry knew the answer deep down.
'Not even a fickle death eater?' asked Sirius.
'In the matters of death, no.'
'Well to business.' Said James.

'The only left horcruxes are the locket and the cup.'
'So what have you done since their dissapearances?' asked ginny.
'Merlin, ginny. It's been just a day.' Lily said.
'And anyway padfoot was healing. We will continue the hunt tomorrow.' Added james.

Before ginny could say anything again, harry said ' Yes. And before that after breakfast I must have a talk with Sirius.'
'Regarding the quest, of course.' he added on Sirius's questioning look.

'Well harry, what did you want to talk about?'
'You, see in my timeline your brother became a death eater.'
Sirius nodded.

'The dark lord then asked him to prove himself by giving a house elf for the dark lord's aid.'
'Voldemort needed a house elf?' Sirius's raised am eyebrow.

Sirius POV
What the bloody hell was harry talking about?
Why would voldemort need a house elf?

'Yes. You see, when he was small he had terrorized a few muggles of his orphanage in a cave.'

'He was an orphan?' Sirius narrowed his eyes.
Harry nodded.
'And he lived in a muggle orphanage.'
Harry nodded.
'No wonder, he hates muggles.'
'That's no reason to murder people.' Shouted harry.
'I - oh harry, I did not mean that. Sorry.'
'It's ok. You see he wanted to keep his locket in a basin filled with poison to prevent others from getting it.'

'And he would make the house elf drink the poison...? Sirius's eyes widened.
Harry nodded.
'But that's horrible, filthy, despicable and disgusting even to a house elf like kreacher.'
'It was kreacher. The house elf be used.'

Harry POV
'And Regulus was ok with it?'
'He didn't know at first. But when he came to know he himself went to the cave and he drank the poison-'
Sirius fell on his knees.
'Not Regulus too.'
'I'm sorry Sirius.'

'Um in his final moments he gave the locket to kreacher and left a decoy there.'
Sirius painfully nodded.

'But in this timeline the locket must still be with voldemort or any of his other servants. The cup will most probably be in Bellatrix's vault.'

'Holy Merlin, don't tell me we will have to-'

'Go back to Malfoy Manor.' Completed harry gravely.

'There's no other choice. Voldemort will of course know about his missing diary and will understand that somebody is on the hunt of horcruxes.' He continued saying.

'And this time we have to know where they have kept Regulus and what they have done with him...' A tear fell down his face.

'But the main thing is how? Tell the others we are not leaving tomorrow. We will leave when the time comes.'

'And when with will the time come? When we find a solution? A plan?'
'The time will come when it is meant to be.'

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