Hope for the best...

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Harry POV
'You are a pathetic no good occlumens, harry. And I am an exceptionally great legilimens. But you should be grateful. You will be my pawn. My key to success' gloated voldemort.

'Boy, you will answer me or the consequences will be worse. Do you understand, me?'

Voldemort laughed as harry writhed in pain.

'You will answer me, boy. Keep that attitude to yourself. You need to BEHAVE in front of the dark lord.'

'Master. We found this girl behind the door.' Said wormtail.

They had caught ginny.
'Kill her. NO wait... On second thought don't kill her.' He smiled cruelly.

'Now boy. Answer my questions or the girl dies. Now say will you ever dare to disrespect the dark lord? Will you? Crucio'

'No' said harry screaming in pain. He needed to have it under control. What if he could counter the cruciatus?

'How many of you are here today?'

'Just the two of us-'

'Crucio. Do not ever lie to the dark lord. Look into my eyes. I said LOOK.'

He looked into the dark lord' eyes. But he was prepared. Though his occlumency was worse he would try. Try his best.. Even die trying but he could not endanger the others...

He concentrated on a visual image of him flying in a broom in the Hogwarts quidditch pitch.
But voldemort was not skilled in legilimency for nothing ...

He delved into the darkness of his mind. Voldemort knew his weakness.


And he knew whom he would be worried about. And he let voldemort see it. See that he was worried about ginny.
He thought about the day he finally defeated him in his timeline. He saw the red and green curses countering resulting in his death.

'You. You were the cause of my downfall. But you will be the cause of my rise. Wormtail make him drink it.'

Though harry struggled two other death eaters grabbed his arms. Wormtail forced the Potion into his mouth.

And harry had a very good idea what it was...


James POV
Hermione had warned him. But all that ringed in his mind were the words of Full Moon.

He was really worried about moony but what if he could use it to his advantage?

'Hermione you have to somehow evacuate harry and Ginny from the terrace. And find Lily if you can. Please. Here, take the invisiblilty cloak. It will help you.'

'Why? What are you upto?' Asked Hermione taking the cloak.

'Doing the impossible.' Said James as he turned into prongs and raced towards his friends.

This was not the end...
Hermione POV
She need to know what state Harry and Ginny were in. She needed to have a safe place.
She put on the invisibility cloak.

But she had this in control. She knew how to use the stunning spell non verbally. She tiptoed up the stairs.

She had to save them and hope that James had an excellent plan which would succeed and not rebound...

Hope that James was serious for once in his life...

Hope for the best...

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