Defeating him...

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Ginny POV
Ginny had lost track of time. She was tied up and had her back turned so couldn't look at harry and what was going on...

But suddenly she noticed the guards beside her falling down suddenly as if in a trance.

Then an invisible figure kneeled down and freed her and pushed her in the ... Cloak .

'Hermione' she whispered.
'Shh later. Ginny.' She smiled.

'How many are there?' Hermione asked.

'Just two death eaters. Wormtail and harry' her voice broke 'and him'

The duo looked ahead and saw him. He was being forced to drink some kind of Potion.

Hermione stopped ginny from shouting and running towards him.

'Keep calm gin. All will be fine.'
'Then what will I do? Dance?' Hissed ginny.

'No. Now it's time for the distraction.'
Harry POV
Suspiciously the veritaserum didn't taste like the usual one. It tasted like ... Pumpkin juice...

'So Potter, how many people are here on your side?'

'Five' Harry answered trying lying but not being obvious.

'How many horcruxes had you destroyed?'

'Two' lied harry.

Voldemort had an expressionless face.

'Which ones?'

'The ring and the diary.'

'Wormtail.' Voldemort's eyes blazed with fury. 'This is an OUTRAGE.'

Wormtail whimpered 'Sorry master. That must be the wrong bottle. I may have fumbled-'

'LIES. You. You betrayed me.'

'Master, please. I am sorry. You are merciful-'

'No mercy shall be given. Even, you proved to be a traitor. You shall receive what you deserve.'

Suddenly smoke had filled the whole place. Nothing could be seen.

Harry felt a tug at his collar and he was pushed in the doorway and they were at the staircase.
'Harry' came Hermione's voice.

'NO. We have to save Peter.' Cried harry.

'Harry, have you gone crazy?' Asked ginny. 'Peter betrayed your parents.'

'And I finally know why.'

Hermione raised an eyebrow.
'Neglect. And- leave it. We have to save him.'

'He's out of his mind but let him do what he wants' whispered ginny to Hermione.

Hermione nodded. 'Whatever, harry meet us here in another two minutes. Or the haze will dissapear.'

'Done' said harry racing into the terrace. But the haze had already gone. And the scene had changed.

All the death eaters except wormtail were lying on the floor.

And with voldemort, they were there.

A stag, A dog and A rat.

But what caught Harry's eyes was the hazel eyed werewolf whom he had seen only once in his life before in this form...

Remus lupin.

The marauders had him covered.
Voldemort could have easily apparated but he thought that would be cowardice...

Prongs and padfoot had moony in control but then suddenly they let loose.

Harry watched horrified as Remus sprung forward and harry closed his eyes.

He heard it. Clearly. But was terrified. Voldemort's howl in pain echoed throughout the night air as Remus bit him.

And at that moment, Lord voldemort became a werewolf.

Harry couldn't bear to watch it...
He just couldn't...

He knew had to do it. Or it would just get more and more bloody difficult.

As he watched moony step a little backward in the moonlight, he knew this was his chance.

He raised his wands at the voldemort whose features were slowly changing and muttered it.

And became, a killer.

He watched as the green light seeped through his wand and hit voldemort square in the chest.

And heard as the words 'Avada Kedavra' echoed in the peaceful night air.

And watched as voldemort fell down.

His eyes opened one last time ' No... This is impossible... You can't ... Can't...' And then closed his eyes.

Harry knew in his heart that he should be happy for all that had happened but he just couldn't be... Though he perfectly well knew that it was over.

He saw voldemort's face half transformed. He looked like himself- the true beast that he actually was...

But was harry different? Harry had killed him... For crimes he hadn't even comitted yet...

Harry had mistreated pettigrew and encouraged the other marauders before he had even done anything grave.

He regretted it but also loved it. And he didn't know what he was?
That was he even human or had he become a beast...

Harry was barely aware of the next events as he was dragged to the doorway by a sweating James Potter.

It was midnight. And Remus still had a few hours left until he returned to normal...

'We will return at dawn. Take care of yourself and the others.' Then James smiled. 'And harry. I am proud of you. Well done.'

'No. Tell me why you did that? That's insane... Think about moony. How he would feel-' said harry harshly.

'Actually. He was the one who forced us into it. He wanted revenge. Moony was bit at the age of six by fenrir greyback sent by voldemort. So he wanted to show him the feels... For moony else I would never have agreed -'

'I get it. I am sorry I shouted.'
'It's okay, harry. You just need rest.'
'Okay and James. Don't harm Peter. He risked his life for me...'

'What? I thought it was funny that the traitor was not helping Voldy there but... Are you sure?'

Harry nodded 'Absolutely.'

'We need to have a talk with him then in the morning.'

'Goodbye Dad.'
'Goodbye Harry.'

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