Neville Longbottom

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Neville POV
Neville felt dizzy. He didn't remember the last thing he had done. Just remembered a big black door with ...

As soon as the memory came it vanished. He concentrated to no avail. He managed to sit up. He looked out in his surroundings.
He was in a ... bedroom?
He looked around to see photographs either of a redhead and a woman or a bunch of redheads. They seemed like the weasleys though it wasn't possible. He knew all the living weasley's family.

Then who were they?
Suddenly the door opened.
A brown haired woman entered the room.
'Finally woke up, young man? We were wondering ... '.
The redhead of the photo's came in. He looked a lot like ron...

'Um thanks for this and all but where am I ?'
'The Burrow.'
A shiver ran down Neville's spine.
'Who are you?' He asked nervously wondering whether they were deatheaters.
'I am molly weasley and this is my husband Arthur weasley. Now not to be rude but who are you?'

'This can't be.' Neville muttered to himself. 'What is the year?'
Arthur narrowed his eyes and said 'You don't know the year?'
'Um just confirming.'
'And what is the year according to you?'
*One moment of silence*
Then Arthur burst out laughing.
'You almost got me but I ain't that mad.'
'What is the year?' Asked Neville urgently.
'Well its 1976.'
'Holy shit.' Neville muttered.
'Well now introduce yourself, young lad.' Smiled Mrs weasley.

'Neville L-Kingston.' Neville hastily changed his surname.
'Muggleborn cause I ain't heard Kingston as a wizard surname.'
'Um halfblood. Dad was a muggle.' Neville lied.
'Well then where do you live?'
'My house got destroyed. Deatheaters attacked. Killed my dad.' Said Neville lip trembling.
'Oh you poor child, you may stay with us for a while Neville, dear.'
'Thank you Mrs weasley.' Neville said gratefully.
'You work in the ministry? Cause you seem eighteen or nineteen?'
'Um no. I am seventeen. I was actually seeking to be a teacher at Hogwarts.'
Mr weasley's face fell.
'The only vacancy is defense against the Dark arts and its cursed. You can't try for it.'
'I will have to talk to professor Dumbledore.'
'Well he is coming today night for dinner. So are most of the order guys.'
'Order of the Phoenix?'
'You know about it?' Asked Mr weasley little suspiciously.
'Heard some rumours.' He said.
But he was saved for a more convincing reply cause a young redhead entered the room that moment.
'Mummy, billy tripped me.' Sobbed the young child. He looked like a seven year old.
'Its all fine Charlie, dear. Mummy will scold billy.' Mrs weasley ruffled his hair.

With a start Neville realized that this young boy was Charlie weasley. The one who dealt with dragons and stuff. That boy who dealt with so many dangers was crying because someone trilled him. Neville found it ironic but he couldn't judge. Charlie was still a small kid.

Come to think of it he hadn't ever think that he would play a role in the win of the battle. Everyone now remembered him as the boy who slayed the snake. Atleast in his time... What had he landed himself into.

He had to make use of this. He had to make use of the fact that he was in past. But first he needed to talk to Dumbledore... Who was dead in his time. But one thing kept coming in his mind... If he was back in the future his parents were stable... They wouldn't have been tortured yet. He decided that whatever he did in his limited time in the past he would give the Bellatrix bitch what she deserved ...

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