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Harry POV
He was with Hermione, Lily and Sirius.
'So how was the vacation? Anything special happen?'
The question was directed at Lily and Hermione.
'No. Noth-' Hermione was interrupted by lily's cough. Hermione passed Lily an irritated look.
'So something did happen?' said harry amused.
'Yes. Harry, do you happen to know any Draco Malfoy?'
'Um yes.'
'Well, he is Hermione's boyfriend.'
Lily ended dramatically showing snogging signs.
Harry grinned and laughed.
'A very foolish joke Lily. Hermione wouldn't be that dumb enough to date Malfoy. Would you Hermione?'
Hermione didn't reply.
No reply.
'Or is it true?' He barely whispered.
Lily nodded.
'I expected better than you Hermione. I have to have a talk with Draco.'
'Where is the git anyways?'
'The git is not Draco. It's your best friend Ron.' Hermione stormed off the room angrily.

'You shouldn't have said that.' Said Lily and ran after Hermione in the inns.

'That sure was dramatic.' Said Sirius.

Hermione POV
I heard my phone ring for a moment. I checked to see a voicemail from an unknown number. I opened it.

'Hermione, its me Draco. Listen, do not attack the Malfoy Manor. I will take care of the diary. I have a brilliant plan. Please, trust me. Don't mess up. For me. I love you, Hermione.' The voicemail shut down.

'Oh!' Lily giggled entering the room.
'He is sending I love you through voicemail. Romantic much, huh?' Said Lily wiggling her eyebrows.

'Its not that, Lily. Here listen to this once.'

She was smirking at first but later became silent.
'So?' Asked Hermione.
'So what?' Said Lily incredulously. 'Surely you don't believe this dung. He's trying to delay us.'
'What if he is true and it is a trap?'
'But as Harry said they won't expect us to attack again today itself.'
'But ...'
'Hermione are you going?'
'No. I won't. I trust him.'
'Ok then. Me and Harry are leaving.'
'What about Sirius?'
'He's injured so he can't come. And since you don't want to come because of a stupid voicemail-'
'Shut up Lily. What is it with you and Harry.'
'Hermione he is a freaking ex deatheater, goddamn it.'
'Ok fine. I am coming.'
'I don't want to force you, hermione. If you don't want then don't come.'
'No I can't leave you guys in danger like that.'
'Aw mione - '
'There's another one.'
'A voicemail.'
' It is a trap, Hermione. But if you will come at least meet me at the western basement. I have removed the pureblood charm for now. And I know I have said this a lot of times but Hermione I love you.'

'Aw that's cute.' Said Lily.
'Let's go now. Harry will be waiting.'

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