Mystery Unrevealed

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Sirius POV
'Long time no see. Black and lupin.' Sneered Snape.

'Snivellus you won't dare-'

'Crucio' he pointed his wand at Sirius.

As he writhed in pain, Lily and Remus watched horrified.

'What in the hell, are you doing here with these lunatics, Fremontia?' Said Snape in his greasy voice.

'You bloody bastard, put him down this instance or you shall face my wrath, I warn you.' Shouted Lily pointing her wand at Snape.

'She's a blood traitor. KILL HER!' Shouted a death eater.

'Shut up, sandy. Of course you dumbheads would think she is betraying us, but I being a skilled potioneer know very well the smell of' he sniffed the air.

'Polyjuice potion' he completed.
'So it is obvious that she is not Fremontia-'

Sirius didn't hear much. He didn't want to. Once the curse was off him, he looked to Remus. Apparently even he wasn't interested in snivellus's bull shit.

In unison they shouted 'Impedimenta' and Snape flew backwards.

'The hell with him.'

As Snape hit the other wall, he shouted to the other death eaters.
'Take those two' he pointed at Lily and Regulus 'as hostage.'
Then with a cruel smile added 'Kill the spare.'

The end one - sandy started to tell the killing curse but was stunned by another death eater.

Snape got up from the floor. 'FOOL. Why did you stun sandy?'

The death eater opened his mask to reveal Mr Zabini and the other death eater was Mrs Zabini.

Remus grinned. Sirius grinned back. Even Lily had a smile on her face.

'I guess then it is four against two, snivellus' sneered Sirius.

'WHAT? All of you traitors- Unacceptable-'

'I guess then I have to change it to five against one' said the other death eater.

She removed her mask to show Mrs Nott?

Sirius and the others shared puzzled looks. How come Mrs Nott was not on snape's side?
He knew the answer. The way she walked and her lips moved...

It was the love of his life...
She had returned...
Hermione Granger was back...
Hermione POV
After a lot of hugs and enthusiasm Hermione was welcomed back, then the plan was explained to her.

'And this is important, guys' said Regulus 'Lucius Malfoy has amnesia. Apparently an imposter has been posing as him during the last week.'

Lines rolled in her head...

'It is a self mission. I have to do this. For me. For you. For everybody.'

She had wondered how had Draco got hold off the diary.

'Lucius Malfoy had caught me in his office. He seemed different though- in a happy mood, like not killing me and not handing me over to the dark lord'

Hermione remembered they had laughed at it at that time. But what were the chances that Lucius Malfoy would go into his office the exact time harry would? She had assumed it a coincidence but she had to put the facts straight.

Just after he had been caught. The other harry that is Draco came to the scene. But he had the diary at that time.

Lucius Malfoy went into the room, then Draco couldn't have went and got it since a few minutes after, he jumped down.

Which mean't he was on the same corridor. Last week, there was an imposter Lucius Malfoy.

Which meant...
Hermione had solved the mystery. She knew what was Draco's self mission.

'Hermione are you OK? Earth to Hermione' Sirius waved his hands in front of her.

'Wait a minute. Can't you see I am thinking.'

'Thinking what?'

Hermione didn't answer.

'Theodore said that you were to wait for him in the lobby.'

Why? And why would Lucius comply the message?

Lucius had even kissed her and said 'I love you' to her.

She had thought that he was a womanizer but ....

'I love you. And don't worry, I will return. If you figure it out, don't come after me.'

What if those words had a hidden meaning.
Figure it out.
She had figured it out.
And he was right she wanted to come after him now. Because that was no Lucius Malfoy.

'Guys. I figured it out.'
'What? And ease can you stop talking in riddles' pleaded padfoot.'
'I don't talk- whatever.'

'What did you figure out?' Asked Lily.
'The imposter.'
'Who?' All of them asked.
'Draco Malfoy.'

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