His Final Wish ...

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Remus POV
If he knew this would happen be would never have volunteered to destroy the horcrux. But he had to continue. He had to move on ... But could he?

Remus wondered whether harry knew about this in the future because he was giving him space.
James was encouraging him on and on. If only he knew ...

But Remus had long ago decided that it would be unsafe for her to be with him. She would be safer with James .... And happier.
Making her happy was all that mattered.

'Moony, I know you don't want to talk about this but what did you see? I mean I am your friend. You can share it with me.'

Remus shook his head.
'Its complicated James. I ... Can't.'
'Please moony.'
'No. It's personal.'
'About a girl?'
Remus nodded.
'A crush?'
Remus nodded.
'Well then why are you shy? Go on. Tell me. I told you mine. Now it's your turn.'
Remus got up and left the room.
He couldn't tell him. It would be awkward. He may even lose a friend ... one of the only friends he had.

Neville POV
'Mr Kingston?' Dumbledore exclaimed.
'Yes, professor Dumbledore.'
'So what did you want to talk about?'
'Um sir can we go upstairs.'
'Yes surely we can.'
They walked up the stairs in silence.
When reached at a bedroom he locked the door and pointed his wand 'Muffliato'.
'Ingenious. What may be so secretive and urgent, Mr Kingston?' Dumbledore asked.
'Um sir you may not believe it but I am from the future.'
Dumbledore's expression turned serious.
'And may you show me a reason to believe you?'
'Um sir my real name is Neville Longbottom.'

Dumbledore's eyes sparkled.
'Frank and Alice?'
Neville nodded.
'Yes. And I defeated voldemort's snake which was one of his horcruxes.'
'Can you name some people of your year, Mr Longbottom.'
'Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ginny weasley, Ron Weasley -'
'Ok, I believe you. But this is getting more serious than I expected.'
'At first they were coming after a whole week but its barely three days since the last one.'
'The last what?'
'Time traveller.' Said Dumbledore with a grave look in his eyes.
Finally after enough talk Dumbledore gave him the post of Defence. He had to make things right. It was for the better.

He first had to avenge their deaths. Bellatrix Lestrange, you are so gone. He had to do it... It was his final wish ...

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