The Black Door...

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Ginny pov
'The latest news is about the mysterious disappearances. Most of the survivors of the war are nowhere to be seen.'

'The golden trio is currently still  missing and we have a member of the silver trio with us today - Luna Lovegood. Say Luna, what do you think about the recent cases.'

'I really want them back. It is indeed a mystery to these happenings. I can't believe they died after all that..
They were my only friends and now I am lonely with my crumple horned snorkacks. They were the only ones who trusted me on nargles...'

'Um yes. That was an interesting speech, Luna. Now Dennis here will show the current reports.'

'Nothing has been found by the search parties, Violetta. The whole wizarding world is depressed. Mrs Lovegood here has been given full protection so as some others who can be in danger of going missing, especially the two left members of the silver trio.'

'Harry Potter. Where is he? The whole wizarding world wants to know the truth about him. These disappearances and his link to them...

The article continued on and on.

But she couldn't
Ginny was extremely afraid. She had shed tears for harry every night - oh how she missed him!
But she was scared... Mysterious disappearances...

Fear began creeping through her.
Neville had disappeared. Maybe Luna was the next or maybe it was she...

As she walked downstairs she suddenly noticed a black door at the end of the corridor... That was not possible. She knew the Burrow left and right. After a little hesitation her curiosity won out ... She opened the door... And suddenly tiredness filled inside her and she fell unconscious.
She found herself in back in the Burrow. The black door was still present. What? Had she even returned back from the room? But this room now seemed older. Mom had renewed it just last week ... Ginny thought.

And in front of her eyes the black door disappeared...
'Ginny' a voice came from behind.
'Neville.' She cried in joy. She ran up go him and hugged him which he returned.
'Another one.' He muttered. 'Not good.'
'What's not good?'
'Ginny do you know what the year is?'
She looked at him as if he were stupid.
'Of course it's 1997, dumbhead.'
'No. It's not. Ginny its 1976. To be more exact its 28th December 1976.'
Ginny grinned.
'Not easily fooled, Longbottom.'
But Neville remained serious.
'Ginny I am not joking. Look into my eyes and see if there is any trace of lies you can find?'
Then ginny realized that it was the truth .... And it hit her hard....
'You mean we travelled—'
'Back in time.' Neville finished for her.
'The black door. It was a portal. A time portal.'
Neville's eyes widened. 'What door?'
'The one from which we came. Atleast I came.'
'Yeah... I guess I remember one now that you say.'
'Are the others here too?'
'Yeah. Harry,Hermione,Malfoy,and me. Now you. But there's some trouble going on ....'
'We need to talk.'
Uh-oh ....

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