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It was the evening of 30th of December 1976.

Harry POV
They were all gathered at the head table. After many tearful farewells ginny had gone back to the Burrow. Harry had already started to miss her. But her safety was important. She would be safe at Hogwarts.

'So what is the final plan, harry?' Asked James drinking a bottle of butterbeer or ... was it firewhiskey? Whatever.

'Malfoy Manor tomorrow evening at the Malfoy's traditional new year party.'

'How will we enter?' Asked Lily.

'Disguises.' Said Sirius.

'What are you planning to use?' Asked Lily.

'Polyjuice Potion. You see I have talked with Neville to steal some from the potions store. Seventh years that is you guys have Polyjuice Potion in newts. So the samples needed for showing the class will be drank by us.'

'Oh no! I forgot all about newts. I have to study to score well... Oh no! Oh gods no-' Lily muttered.

'Lily, it's all right. This is more important than freaking newts.' Said James.

'Yeah, this way after defeating old Voldy we all get famous and they will make us aurors without newts-' grinned Sirius.

'But that's impossible.' Argued Lily.

'Actually it isn't. In my time after I defeated him, they were practically begging to make me head of auror department.' Harry grinned.

'Holy shit' said james.
'That's so freaking cool' said Sirius.
'But that's not the point' said Remus.

'Yeah it's not' agreed harry.
'So whom are we disguising into?' Asked Sirius.
'The Nott family and Parkinson family.'
'I have talked' said harry 'with Neville-'
'What are you and Neville? Soulmates?' Smirked Sirius. 'I will tell ginny' he sniggered.

James and remus were trying not to laugh. James, because it was his son and Remus, because he was trying to be civil.

'Bloody hilarious, padfoot. As I was saying Mr and Mrs Parkinson have been called to Hogwarts for a meeting regarding their Slytherin seventh year son Samuel Parkinson Jr.'

'That's all fine.' Said Remus.
'But what about Theodore nott sr.? He graduated years ago and currently there are no nott students in Hogwarts.'

'That's the problem. There are currently six major death eater families.'

'Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle, Nott, Parkinson and um no offence Sirius but Black is one of them.' said Lily.

'None taken Lily.'

'Zabini.' Said Remus.


'You forgot zabini, harry.'

'You are a genius Remus! That's it! Forget nott family. We will send the same letter to Mr and Mra zabini regarding their -'

'Slytherin seventh year Bianca zabini.' Completed Remus.

'Moreover, to our advantage' grinned Sirius, 'Bianca is dating Samuel.'

'You're kidding?' Said harry.
'Nah' grinned Sirius. 'Being in the Black family you come to know many things and in one the dinners in Grimmauld Place when both of them had come I had heard the two of them in a closet.'

'What did they say? Was she pregnant?' Grinned James.
Lily swatted at his arm playfully.

'Nothing. Just snogging. And all that lovey dovey stuff which makes you all mushy and all. And I don't think she was.'

The boys grinned goofily.

'So when is the appointment?'

'Tomorrow morning at eleven o clock. We meet Dumbledore at 10:30.'

'Means we get this night to sleep.' Smiled Lily.

'Who cares for sleep?' Asked Sirius.

'Yeah let's play quidditch.' Shouted James. 'To the filius ground in three.'

'Three... Two... One' and they apparated.

'Boys' muttered Lily.

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