The Veritas curse

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Sirius POV
As soon as they had reached the kitchen he had stunned Stephen. The boy was chewing his heads off. He expected Remus to be angry for not playing my part well but apparently he was exhausted by him too.

'Well done, padfoot.' He whispered.
'Now what?'
'Lumos' pointed moony and we could see each other.
'Now. We search for the cup.' Said Remus in the most saintly way.

'Gee. I didn't know that. Thanks for that bit of information' muttered Sirius.
'There' pointed Remus to a stack of cups at the sink.
'Obviously not. There' Sirius pointed to a heap of cups in the transparent cupboard.

'Let's search the top row for Hufflepuff crest' suggested moony.
'Yeah. That's a good id-'

Suddenly the door opened.
'Who's there?' Came a voice.
'No one' shouted Sirius.
The woman muttered a spell and the lights came on.
'Caught in the act, both of you.'
Narcissa, Sirius recognised.
Lucius's fiancee.

Beside her was a woman whom he didn't recognize.
'So what were the two of you up to? Explain yourselves.' She said sternly.

'Um- I - uh- gah'
My foolish response was stopped when Remus stamped on my foot.

'Mrs Malfoy we just took a wrong turn.' Answered remus nervously.
It was the lamest lie Sirius had ever heard.

Narcissa had a faint smile.
'When did you get so bad at telling lies, Samuel?'

Since he became Remus, thought Sirius.

'Such naughty children.' Smiled narcissa to the other woman who smiled back.

'Children, where are your manners? Say hello to our guest'

'Hello' said Remus.
'Hello' said Sirius.
'Now why don't you-'

Suddenly the door banged open.
It was him.
Lucius Malfoy.
'I want a word with you two- wait a moment, what are the kids doing here?' He narrowed his eyes.

'That's what I was asking them' answered narcissa staring pointedly at Sirius.

'Oh well then- forget about it. I want a word with you two. It's much important than these kids.'

'Are you feeling well, Lucius?' Asked narcissa since he was sweating constantly.

'Absolutely well, thank you very much' snapped Lucius.
Hermione POV
After getting out of the room, Lucius took narcissa to a room after telling me to wait.
But should I?
Where the hell was draco? This was driving me mad.

After a while, Lucius reappeared.
'Just a message for you. Theodore said that you were to wait for him in the lobby.' He winked then said 'I love you. And don't worry I will return. If you figure it don't come after me' he winked again kissed her on the cheek and went to the party.

What had just happened?
Lucius Malfoy was such a womanizer, thought Hermione disgustedly but who could blame her. His voice and hair was like Draco...
Draco Malfoy. She would kill him.

He knew very well she hated to wait and miss out the action. But still he insisted on her safety.

'So Bella.'
'Lucius. It's been a while.'
'Of course it has.'
'So? Decided to come bang me up the wall like last time.' she smiled.

'Ew no' Lucius wrinkled his nose.
On seeing Bellatrix's hurt face he corrected 'I mean yeah yeah why not- um'
'You just cant resist my sexy body can you Lucius?'
Lucius choked on his glass of firewhiskey and the glass fell to the floor crashing to pieces.

But with so much music and partying it was a minor commotion. 'What's wrong with you today, babe?' Asked Bellatrix.

'Um nothing wrong. Next room.'
'Yeah of course' said Bellatrix brightening up.
On entering the room Bellatrix pounced over Lucius.

'I so want you... Lucy' she slurred.
'But I don't. I have changed my mind.' Said lucius throwing her off him.

He knew the exact curse to make her spit out the truth. She would have an idea...

All he needed now was facts. And he would get them. In his way.


*A/N (Veritas curse is the truth spell just like veritaserum is the truth serum)

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