The Dark Lord Returns!

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James POV
Malfoy thought I was Granger.
My disguise was wearing off.
'I am not Granger'
'I know you are' he smirked.

'Then why don't you tap that dark mark of yours and call the dark? Coward?' James smirked back.

Lucius winced.
'You Dare call me a c-'
'Coward. Obviously I did.'

'I will give you ten seconds to leave. After that...' He smirked then rolled his sleeve to show the dark mark.

'You don't scare me.' Said James though he knew he had very less time. Suddenly the alarms started blaring.

'Fuck no!' They cursed together.
Then looked at each other.
Suddenly James realized his disguise had completely gone.

Lucius looked at him strangely.
'You are not Harry Potter. You are his dad!' Exclaimed Lucius.

'You said Potter.'
'You said Harry Potter, not Granger.'
Lucius cursed.
'Did not.'
'Yes you did.'
'No way I did.'
In the middle of the argument James started noticing Lucius's features change.

Lucius noticed it too. He glanced at James. Then ran.
But James was not a quidditch player for nothing.
But apparently his motive was not running from him. But running towards the...

Holy shit! The cloak...

Fake lucius quickly grabbed it and put it over himself to reveal the real Lucius.

James cursed then ran after the footsteps echoing through the hall.
Sirius POV
'So that's the whole story. Wow, mione you are a genius.' Said Sirius.
Remus, Harry, Ginny and Lily nodded.
Regulus didn't believe it but simply nodded.

'Where is James, Lily?' Asked Hermione.
'In the fifth floor. To find the locket.'
'That's where Draco is going! If the two meet'
'The result is going to end bad' ended Lily.
'I should go with her' Sirius piped up.
'I am not sitting here' said Remus.
'Of course we all are going' said Lily.

'No. I have to go amongst the death eaters. See that no one has yet figured it out.'

'Take care' said Sirius as he saw his brother speeding out.

'But then we need to split ways.' Said Hermione.
'Not again!' Complained Sirius.
'Yes. Because the corridor is too long. They will be at either end of the corridor. There are two stairs. It will save time-'

Suddenly all lights went out and an announcement was heard.

'I know you are here, Harry Granger. Accept defeat and surrender or the consequences will be fatal. I give you ten whole minutes to come to the terrace or else your so called friend shall be killed. The dark lord has returned.'

'Voldemort' said harry his eyes widening.
'James' whispered Sirius.
'I am going.' said Harry.
'No' Sirius shook his head. 'You four go rescue him.' He pointed at harry, ginny, Lily and Hermione.

'It's our cue to leave.' He pointed at Moony.

Remus's eyes widened in realisation. He nodded solemnly.

'Why?' Asked Lily.

He simply pointed towards the window where darkness had filled the night except for the moonlight.

All of them looked up to see the moon.
And they all realized it.
It was a full moon...

(Pic : James Potter & Draco Malfoy)

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