Avada Kedavra

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James POV
He was on the fifth floor with an invisibility cloak. His wand and mind concentrating at controlling Lucius. Putting Lucius under the imperius was certainly very easy.
Because Lucius had expected nothing of the sort.

But coming to the corridor he felt lost. There were numerous doors on either side. But he felt better knowing that he knew what to do.

Coming from a rich Manor he knew exactly well that the normal security was lasers and the higher security was fingerprint of the thumb of any of the Malfoy's in this case.

But seeing so many doors he was at a loss. There wouldn't be that much time left for inspecting each one of them. And James highly suspected that whether Lucius or not if he chose the wrong door alarms would start beeping.

Moreover he didn't know where Lily was. Nothing was going right. Nothing.

Suddenly James heard footsteps from two floors below. James looked down the circular staircase to see ...

What? That was impossible.
But it was.
Lucius Malfoy.

James mustered a glance towards the imperiused Malfoy and the down stair Malfoy.
Did he know about the plan?
Was this Malfoy an imposter? A decoy?

He didn't have much time to think he quickly hid Lucius under the cloak. He was at the final stair step when Lucius looked at him.

'Parkinson.' Lucius's lip curled into a cold menace of anger.

'Now, what the bloody hell do you think you are doing here?'

'I do whatever I wish' James mustered up his courage.

'This is MY HOUSE. You are nothing but a guest I have been obliged to invite. You have no rights in-'

'Cut that shit out. And before leaving I will say you that your decoy was very successful.'

'You don't just leave and- wait what decoy?'

'Enough with the jokes Malfoy. You knew who I am. Who we were.'

'What are you talking about?'

Was there a chance that Lucius didn't know about all this? But then what about the other Lucius. Maybe this was the imposter? And he had caught the right one.

No. That had extremely less chances. But he had to decide fast.
Lily POV

Lily had finally reached the cells.
She had Harry's invisibility cloak above her.

She looked around her but all the cells were empty. There was a stairs. Should she go to the dungeon? If there were extra measures.

As if anybody had heard her fear. As she stepped on the first stair, an alarm started beeping. Why was it always her?

She had to apparate. But where? The kitchen. Maybe check up on Remus and Sirius.
Sirius POV
Finally. There it was. Perfectly fine. The hufflepuff's cup.

'The Avada Kedavra' said Sirius.
Remus nodded solemnly.

'You do it.'
'No you do it.'
'No you.'

Their protests were muffled when suddenly the alarms started blaring.

'Someone fucked up' said Sirius.
'Oh no!' said Remus.
'Let's do it.'
'Exactly. Much easier to finish.'
They joined hands. Wand in their other hand.

'Avada Kedavra' they shouted in unison fearing the worst.

Lily POV
Just as she apparated behind the kitchen.

She saw the door was ajar. She clearly saw Sirius and Remus. Their backs to her. They had changed back. She drank a bit more of her potion just in case the same happened to her. Then as she went to call out for them, they joined hands and shouted.

'Avada Kedavra'

She knew she shouldn't watch but she saw smoke coming out and forming into figures.
Two girls. Two dead girls.

She watched as both of the boys bent next to a particular girl and wept their eyes out.

She hated herself for watching this. But she was curious. And she regretted being curious after she had seen the girls.

Sirius was weeping next to Hermione? Which meant Sirius was in love with Hermione. She felt sad for him. A lot.

And Remus was weeping next to ...
This couldn't be true. But it was. She clapped a hand to her mouth but a slight gasp was heard by the two.

But how could she not be shocked?
Because Remus lupin was in love with her, Lily Evans.

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