Chapter Five

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Nobody's POV

"I was out last night bro. No one was in the apartment for a couple of hours. Where did the hell did you even head off to last night?" Nate questioned, as he sat on the couch.

Jason paced the room in deep thought, wondering what the note meant and most importantly, who wrote it. According to Nate, he was out last night and so was Jason. Neither of them were in the house in the early morning hours. 

"Doesn't matter where I was. I just really want to know who wrote that fucking note, broke into the apartment and left it in my fucking bedroom!"  

Jason stopped pacing the room and folded his arms on top of his chest in pure anger. 

"Calm down! We'll found out who it is!" Nate said in a soothing voice as he tried to calm down Jason. 

"I can't calm down! And you know what's even scarier?! I think that note..." Jason closed his eyes and looked down. Swallowing a lump in his throat he looked back up at Nate. "Is about Madison" he finished off.

Both of them stayed silent. Nate knew that Jason still had feelings for Madison even though she's not involved with him anymore so he didn't want to say anything along of those lines. Taking about Madison is a sensitive topic to Jason. His mood will suddenly change from happy to depressed and sometimes he breaks down on the inside. 

"I know it's about Madison but I don't know who would write that." 

"Let's name the people who are involved with her or know her. I'm sure we can narrow it down to one."

"Blake....but I highly doubt it." Jason said. "He's her boyfriend anyways...."

Nate coughed awkwardly, trying to change the subject.

"Alex Hunter. He's still alive but he lives in Canada and we haven't seen him in months." 

"Still. He might be involved with this." Jason sat down beside Nate on the couch. The two of them tried to think of more people.

"Andrew....but he's dead." Jason chuckled lowly. "Unless if someone else is working with him that's still alive."

"Very true. Here, let me get my laptop from upstairs and let's research."

Nate got up and walked up the staircase to get his laptop and Jason was left alone in the quiet living room. 

Quiet...until the phone began to rang.

"Hello?" Jason greeted to whoever was on the other line.


"Who is this?" he asked in a demanding voice.

Silent, again. 

Just as he was about to hang up, a static sound blared on the other line. Jason sat up and held the phone away from his ear as he became louder and louder.

"You're greatest nightmare." a low voice spoke through the static.

"Who the fuck are you?I demand to tell me who the fuck you are!" he yelled.

"Time is ticking. It's going to be too late." 

And with that the other line went dead.

Jason's POV

"It's going to be too late." 

Nate came running in the room with his laptop in his hands. His face showed a worry expression. 

"I heard screaming! Are you alright?" he said.

I nodded "Someone called."

"Who was it?"

"It's the person who broke into the apartment and wrote the note. No caller ID. It was a blocked number. We can't try to hunt them down."

His jaw dropped as he looked at me. I just stared back, still wondering who it was. The voice wasn't familiar to me at all and why the fuck was there static in the background? Failed attempt to creepy me out, with static.

"What did they say?!" 

"They're my greatest nightmare and time is ticking, and it's going to be too late."

"Jason!" he shrieked which made me jump. 


"We NEED to get Madison." he said, empathizing the world 'need'. 

I couldn't agree more.

: : :

"You have to do it! Her mom will freak and kill me when she see's me!" I said pushing Nate out of the car. He stumbled to his feet and looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Dude! I can't do it! She's going to notice me too!" he whispered. 

"Well I'm the famous criminal here so I doubt that they will notice you because you're not that big all over the news."

"Gee. Thanks." 

I smirked and looked around the car. I found a big baseball cap at the back seat. Grabbing it, I placed it on his head so you couldn't really see his eyes. "There." 

"Oh like this cap will make a huge difference.'" he sarcastically said. 

"Just go!!!" I laughed quietly.

He groaned and slammed the car door. The car was parked on the other side of the road, a few houses down from Madison's house so it wouldn't look suspicious or anything. I can still see her house from here so I can spy on Nate.

He was finally in front of the door and I saw him rang the doorbell. The door opened immediately after.

Nate's POV

My heart was beating fast but it slowed down once I saw that Madison opened the door and not her mother. But, she recognized me. 

"Nate? What are you doing here?" she asked. 

"Madison. Jason and I need to talk to you. It's really important. Can you at least spend the night at our place please?" i pleaded.

"I can talk to you now but I'm not spending the night at your place. I don't think my mom will even allow me too." 

"Just tell her that you're spending the night at your friend's house please. We really need to talk to you." I was practically on my knees, begging her to come with us.

After what felt like hours, she finally answered. 

"Fine. Just give me ten minutes to get my things."

I nodded with a big smile on my face feeling relieved. 

I gave a big thumbs up to Jason who was in the car, and I swear, that was the first real smile I saw from him in years.


Awh :3 So Jason and Madison are going to be together, but will things get awkward? Also who do you think is the suspect? ;) Comment below!!

Okay so in my last chapter, I said that I would change my icon to me and Pattie right? Well I made a whole new instagram account and I'll post it on there :) It's going to be an active instagram account too. Like i'm going to go crazy with posting pictures XD JK JK :) So if you guys want to follow me, my instagram is teambiebermahone! Same as my username (I was surprised that the username wasn't already taken)

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