Chapter Seven

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Madison's POV

I sat across from Jason and Nate in what looks like to be the dining room. The walls were painted a deep blue colour and my feet rested upon a soft rug. I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat as I sat here in silence while Jason and Nate were focusing on the laptop in front of them.

Nate had to interrupt us, telling Jason that he had found another clue. Of course, I had no idea to what they were talking about but they insisted me that it's really important because it involves me.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out and examined my lock screen. I shivered when I looked at who texted me.


Hey babe. I miss you 😘 Hopefully we can get together soon. Well it's getting pretty late now so I'll let you get your sleep. I love you.

I glanced up to Jason's glance. He half smiled at me awkwardly and focuses back on the laptop screen. I decided I didn't want to answer so I slipped my phone back in my pocket.

They both looked at each other, exchanging facial expressions and nodded as they turned to look at me.

"You could be in danger." Jason finally said.

"What? What do you mean?" I asked,raising my eyebrows in confusion.

"Well, according to both of us and the things that we found, it looks like someone wants you....dead."

Taken back from what Jason said, my whole body froze. "Who?" I managed to say.

"We don't know. See, they left us two notes and they called me once."

Jason handed me two pieces of paper. I looked at the first one and read it carefully.

You're going to realize it when it's already too late...

The other one said.

Find me.

I looked back up to Jason and Nate.

"And Nate tried to detect where the call came from. The only information he could get is that the call came from North America. We narrowed down some people too. Alex from Canada if you remember him, Andrew might have more people working for him, and Blake."

"Blake? Why him?" I asked.

"Because he's your boyfriend." He answered back.

"Why would my own boyfriend want me dead?"

"I don't know. " he shrugged.

I nodded my head slowly. Why would Blake want to kill me? He loves me even though know.

"That's why we need to stay here. You need to be as safe as possible." Nate said.

"But my mom will practically kill me if I stayed here." I argued.

"That's why you need to lie to her. If she knows Jason and I are behind this, then she won't let you go because he practically hates us. It's going to be hard but we need you to be safe."

"Fair enough." I sighed.

"And if you see to come in contact anything suspicious, then call us okay?"

"Okay." I nodded.

Jason gave me a reassuring smile."let's go to sleep now. It's getting pretty late."

: : :

I got changed into some loose pink short shorts and a baggy grey shirt. I brushed my teeth and washed my face in Jason's bathroom. Once I was done, I came out to Jason only in his boxers.

My hungry eyes trailed down his tanned body. He had a perfect toned eight pack, his biceps were huge. I could tell that he's been working out a lot lately.

'Take a picture. It'll last longer."

I looked up and I felt my cheeks burn. I looked down, trying to not make it obvious that I was blushing and checking him out.

"Shut up." I giggled.

"You're so cute." I heard him say.

I looked back up at him. He covered his mouth with his hands and I could see that a little bit of pink was showing up on his cheeks. "Might have said that out loud."

I smiled widely and shook my head. I wonder what's going through his mind right now. I wish I could read minds. Doesn't everybody?

He plopped onto the bed and patted the empty spot beside him. "Let's sleep now. I'm tired."

"Hold on, just let me close the blinds."

I hate it when I sleep in a room with blinds or curtains open. It makes me feel really uncomfortable and exposed to the world at night. As I walked towards the window, I took the plastic rod and started twisting it so the blinds would close. As I was doing it, I looked outside admiring all the city lights. Since we were in one of ye higher levels, I could see everything below us.

I wish I didn't.

I noticed a tall black figure along the empty dark sidewalk. It was looking right at me. I closed the blinds and ran towards the bed. I laid down beside Jason, pulling the covers above my body.

"Uhm...are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I quietly said. "Shh go to sleep now."

"How could I when you forgot to turn the lights off?" he chuckled.

"Oh." Once again, I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Don't worry. I'll turn it off." he got up and turned the lights off.

He got back into bed, pulling the covers just above his waist, exposing his eight pack.

Don't look Madison.

Turn the other way.

I turned the other way so I wasn't facing Jason.

A few minutes later, I heard him snore. I was wide awake. Still thinking about what I just witnessed outside the window.

: : :

Nobody's POV

Justin sat inside the car and watched Madison walk away towards her house.

Last night was a decent night. Nothing really happened but Jason was just happy that he saw her and got to spend the night with her. He missed her

A lot.

They both exchanged numbers since Jason and Nate insisted Madison on texting one of them if she found out something suspicious. Jason would take advantage of that and talk to her. Just have a real conversation with her, not just talking to her about the chain of events that has been going on for the past 2 days.

Jason drove away once Madison was inside her house.

But he stopped and parked on the side of the road again. He was thinking about this since last night...

Jason pulled out his phone out from his pocket.

To: Madison

Just come last night you looked so freaked out?


HEEEEEEEY!!! Hope you guys like this chapter :D Comment below what you think of it!!

If you didn't know, I posted a sneak peek of this chapter on Instagram a few days before ;) Follow me for more sneak peeks :) Instagram is TeamBieberMahone

Thank you for your comments and votes and messages :) You guys motivate me to write. I really appreciate it and they make my day hehe :3 and I'm going through a hard time right now since my grandfather died a couple of nights ago. I just wanted to thank you guys for praying for my family and I and for all of the messages you guys sent to me :') I don't know what I would do without you. Seriously, you guys are AMAZING and I just wanted to thank you. <3

Comment on this chapter and I might dedicate the next chapter to you :)

Comment, vote and FAN <3

Stay fab guys!! Love you <3


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