Chapter Eight

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Thanks for sticking with me guys :) Here's chapter eight! Shit is about to go down! Hope you enjoy it and please read the end notes as always!

Jason's POV

It's Blake.

Blake is the person who is behind all of this. He's the one who's been messing and playing these stupid pathetic games with all the notes and shit. How do I know?

Nate went into further research about the call. With some people that we know and all the money that we have, we were able to narrow down the searches and find first names and last names. I was sure surprised that Blake was the person to show up. I had them re-do the whole thing over and over until I believed it. I believe it's Blake that wants to kill Madison. Also with all of the little details beforehand. He took my place while I was locked up in prison, he seemed like he hated me when we first met. He knows that her and I were together and he wants to tear me apart. Why? I don't know.

"Jason. We need to tell Madison and we need to get her as soon as possible." Nate rushed past me with a bunch of papers in his hands.

"Let me call her and I'll tell her." I said.

I got my phone out and called her. A few rings went by and it went to voice mail.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself, trying to call her again.

No answer.

Let's try that again.

Pick up. Pick up, Pick up. Please answer.

No answer.

"She's not answering. What if something happened? We need to get her Nate!" I stood up from the couch and ran towards the front door. Grabbing the car keys from the table, Nate and I rushed out of the apartment hoping that we would make it in time.

We got in the car and Nate insisted that he should drive so I let him. I sat in the passenger seat with my phone in my hands. I decided that I was going to call he again. I called her number again and yet again, it went into her voicemail.

Hey! Sorry, I could take your call right now so just leave a message or contact me later! Thanks! Mwah.

I laughed at the last part.

I tried one last time. I pressed the phone against my ear, anxiously waiting for her to answer.

Madison's POV

I was sitting on the couch, watching a random movie with Blake. Of course, out of all the people I know, my mom invites him over. Great. Just great. Blake paused the movie and smiled, looking at me.

"I need to go to the bathroom, be right back."

He pecked my lips and stood up, leaving me alone in the living room. The movie was paused in the middle of a make-out session so I kept looking elsewhere. I just remembered that I had my phone with me. Slipping it out of my pocket, I unlocked it to one text and five missed calls.

All from Jason.

Holy shit, I wonder what happened. I decided to skip reading the text and call him back just to get this over with before Blake came back. I was hoping that he was taking a shit or something so he would take longer in the bathroom, which means more talking time to Jason.

After a few rings, he answered.

"Hey. Madison ." his raspy voice rang in my ears. To be honest, his voice sounds so sexy. I remember when I would wake up to his morning was pure sex to my ears.

"Hey. Uh I just saw that you called five times. What's up?" I asked.

I looked at the doorway to make sure that Blake wasn't coming anytime soon. Maybe he was taking a shit...

"Are you with Blake right now?" He asked.

"Yes... But he's in the bathroom. Why?"

"I need you to get out of the house now." He demanded

"Why?!" I was taken back from his response.

"Because he is the one who wants to kill you."

My eyes widen and I froze. My heart started to beat faster and I felt my whole body go numb.

"What? How do you know?" I asked

"Nate and some people tracked down the call further. I'll tell you when you get out of the house!' He said, this time a little louder.

"Jason, why would my boyfriend want to kill me?" I shrieked

"Because your boyfriend works for Alex and Andrew."

That WAS NOT Jason's voice. I lost my grip and dropped my phone, shattering on the hard wood floor.

Before I could even turn around, I felt a hard, cold object pressed against my head.

"Stand up!" Blake yelled loudly. My limbs felt like jello and my body tensed up. I could feel my eyes getting watery but I held back the tears. I can't look weak I front of him.

"Stand up!" He hollered louder.

I managed to stand up. He was still behind me but the object was no longer held against my head. I didn't dare to look back.

I can't believe I didn't saw this coming. Blake worked for Alex and Andrew? Sure Andrew was dead but Alex is still alive. Blake must of tricked my mom to thinking that he's perfect just to get to me. He wants to kill me.

"Walk!" He yelled again. He covered my eyes with a bandana and he tied another one around my mouth so I couldn't talk. His grip was tight around my arm. He dragged me out the door and shoved me in the car.

"Say goodbye to the world sweetheart."

Jason's POV

"Drive faster!" I demanded.

"I am! Calm down!" Nate yelled.

"I can't fucking calm down! Blake is going to kill her!"

I rested my elbows on my knees and buried my face in my hands. I ran a hand through my hair, pulling the ends. I was breathing heavily. That idiot tricked everyone. He was working for Alex and Andrew. I should of known.

I looked back up to see that we're in front of her house. I ran out of the car and sprinted towards the front door.

"Madison! Open the door!" I yelled as my fists pounded the wooden door hard. "BLAKE YOU MOTHER FUCKER! DONT YOU DARE PUT YOUR HANDS ON HER!" I yelled again.

"Jason! There's no car on the drive way and there's fresh tire tracks on the gravel. We need to catch up!" Nate motioned me towards the car.

I got in the car and looked everywhere for any signs.

"I don't even know what his fucking car looks like!"

"Fuck! Keep an eye out." Nate stepped on the gas pedal a little harder and we went full speed.

I took a gun out of my waistband and twirled it around my hands anxiously. At the same time, I looked all around the road for a car that looks suspicious. It's going to be obvious if the car is speeding all of a sudden when we're close to them.

"Keep an eye out for this little fella."

Nate pointed to a grey van truck that was on the fast lane in the highway. I could clearly make out that a guy was driving the car but there was no other passenger in the car. He was speeding, I would say 180km per hour? Maybe even more.

"NATE! Where are your papers? The information about the call?"

I just remembered that there was other information on the paper other than the name. I wasn't sure if the licence plate number was on there but it's worth a shot.

"Uh! Here!" He said handing me a bunch of papers.

I read through and each and everyone, trying to find the results page. Finally after 5 pages, I found it.






License Plate Number:

BXAP 810

I looked up and read the car's license plate.

BXAP 810


"We're following the right car! The plate number matches!" I said.

He nodded and kept a safe distance away from the car to make sure nothing looks too suspicious.

The thing that I'm worried about the most is Madison

Nobody's POV

Both cars exited the highway. Nate and Jason kept a safe distance behind Blake's van. Blake turned a left and so did Jason and Nate. The road was narrow and almost abandon. Only a few cars passed by on the opposite side. Therefore, Jason and Nate were quite worried if Blake found out that they were following him. They kept their thoughts positive and focused on saving Madison.

The van slowly came to a stop in the middle of nowhere and parked at the side of the road where a deep ditch is right beside the road. The door opened and Blake jumped out and pointed a gun at Jason's car.

Nate and Jason parked a couple of meters away from him and they both came out of the car with their weapons ready.

Blake smirked when he saw their faces and he shook his head, laughing hysterically.

"You think I'm an idiot don't you? I know that it was you two all along from the moment you drove on that highway." He smirked evilly.

A quiet but noticeable muffled voice shrieked from inside the van. Jason was relieved that Madison was still alive but he had to face Blake.

Blake ignored the noises that was coming from within the van. Instead he took a step closer.

"I don't want to kill you two. I need to kill Madison in order for you to suffer." He said.

"Kill me instead of her." Jason took a step forward and dropped his gun on the ground. He had his hands behind his head and looked at Blake dead in the eye. Passing Blake, his eyes traveled to the van. He saw a figure in the back seat sitting up. Madison was sure fidgeting a lot, he thought.

Another shriek escaped from her mouth. Jason could see her eyes looking at me through the windows. She shook her head and he could see her eyes began to water. Looking back to Blake, he was quite taken back from my response.

"Don't hurt her.LET HER GO AFTER YOU KILL ME!" Jason said through his gritted teeth.

Blake took a moment to think.

"Fine. I'll kill you and your annoying ass mouth of yours." He said.

He took the gun from his pocket and pointed it at Jason.

"Jason. You can't do this!" Nate whisper behind him.

He ignored him and closed his eyes as he waited for the bullet to shoot through his body with pain. He heard a click which meant Blake was ready to pull the trigger.

"Fucking die you mother fucking douchebag!' Another voice screamed,

The sound of a gun triggering rang in Jason's ears. This is it.

Jason was confused that he didn't felt anything. He heard a loud bang. He fluttered my eyes open and there was Blake was dead on the ground with Madison behind him with a hand gun.

His eyes widen as he let hands fall to his side.

Madison looked at the gun and back at the lifeless body. "I can't believe I just did that." She whispered.

"Well believe it because you just killed your murderer."

She looked up to Jason's eyes. They both smiled and felt like a 500 pound weight lift off of their shoulders.

Madison ran towards Jason with her arms wide open and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much." She cried into his chest.

"Thank you for being a total badass." Jason said which caused all three of them to laugh.

They both let go of each other with huge smiles on their faces.

"I give you props for that." Nate chuckled.

She smiled and walked over and hugged Nate as well.

"You don't understand how happy I am right now. I'm happy that he's out of my life. He's terrible!" She exclaimed

Jason knitted his eyes brows in confusion. "What did he do to you?" He asked.

"I'll tell you later. Not now." She gave him a half smile and he nodded.

"We have to get rid of this body now before police come." Nate said as he walked over to Blake's corpse. "Do we have any body bags Jason?"

"Yeah I think I have some in the car." I said.

"I'll help." Madison followed behind Jason to the car.

Jason's POV

I felt a hand hold on to my shoulder, spinning me around to meet Madison's eyes. "Hey. What's up?"

"Jason. I'll really sorry for everything. I'm sorry for being in that relationship. I should of known how you felt. You must have been hurting a lot -"

"Wait. How did you know -"

"Nate told me." She giggled.

"Oh." I said as I felt my cheeks burn.

"I didn't want to hurt you. I'm sorry."

She gave me an apologetic look.

"It's okay. I'm just glad he's dead now." I chuckled.

I looked into her eyes then to her lips, then back up to her eyes. I wanted her more than anything right now.

I grabbed her waist tightly, pushing her against the trunk door (which was opened).

"I miss you soooooo much." I said
I leaned closer to her until our foreheads touched. Her lips met mine and I began kissing her. She kissed back instantly, putting her hands around my neck. She tilted her head sideways so it would deepen the kiss.

I pushed my tongue against her bottom lip, asking for entrance. She gladly accepted and our tongues both fought together. She tasted so good.

My hands slowly slipped down her thighs and pushed so her legs were wrapped around my waist. I placed her on the edge of the trunk, not once did we leave each others lips. She grabbed fistfuls of my shirt and groaned against the kiss. We pulled back to catch our breath. Our chest were rising up and down as we were breathing heavily. I kissed her jaw sloppily and left wet kisses down her neck. She pulled the ends if my hair but by bit.

She loves it when I kissed her neck. Smiling at that thought, I glided my tongue across her skin as I sucked the skin for a second and went back to her lips.

"Stop teasing." She sexily giggled.

I smirked as we made out passionately.

"Did you find the body bags yet Jaso-WOAH. BYE." Nate scurried off away.

We both pulled back in laughter. "I think we scared him." I chuckled.

"I think we did." She laughed. "Gosh, I missed you so much." She smiled and pecked my lips.

"I miss you. Especially this." I pointed out.

She playfully smacked my chest and blushed.

"So, what does this mean. Us." She asked, swinging her legs.

I raised my eye brows up and smiled.

"I'm your boyfriend. Isn't that obvious?" I smirked.

We both smiled and leaned in to kiss again.

I'm glad I have her back. And I'm glad that Blake *cough* idiot *couch* was gone for good.


AWH SO THEY ARE FINALLY BACK TOGETHER :') Comment below if you're glad their back together! What did you think chapter? A lot of stuff happened! We didn't have some drama in a while ;)

OMFG GUESS WHAT!? I found my old Fanfiction from 2011 and I read them over and I was like "what the fuck was I thinking when I wrote that?" It's so embarrassing but it gave me a good laugh. I was practically face palming myself after every paragraph.

NEW  SHORT VIDEO FOR UNBREAKABLE IN THE SIDEBAR :) I just literally uploaded it 5 minutes ago haha. Message me if you want the link! 

ANNND! Who has read a Fanfiction from 2010/2011 called Afraid and Healing Wounds? { Afriad of Healing Wounds }. It was on YouTube so yeah :) that was the first Fanfiction I've ever read and that's where so got all of my inspiration! I'm re reading it and I'm addicted already. Sadly the author isn't a Belieber anymore :( but I thank her for inspiring me.

Comment, vote and FAN :)

I'm planning to update One Chance next.

Comment on this chapter and so might dedicate the next one to you <3

Love you guys :) Thanks for reading!!


Unbreakable {Sequel to Chains Around My Heart} (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now