Chapter Nineteen (Last Chapter)

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OKAY BEFORE YOU READ! I just wanted to thank you guys so much for being apart of these series! I love you all so freaking much <3 I'm so sad that this is over though :'( BUT HEY GUESS WHAT?! My new Jason McCann fanfiction might be even better ;) I'm just going to take a week to plan everything out first and the first chapter of "Once Upon a Crime" will be posted two weeks from today! So watch out for that! Anyways! If you guys want't I can write a epilogue after :) Hope you enjoy! <3 

Madison's POV

"They're ready? What the hell?" I whispered to myself. Unfortunately, Jason was still out and I had no clue when he's going to be awake. The pilot of the jet? I don't know where the hell he was either so basically I was alone. Receiving a text message from an unknown number is creepy enough but, it saying "we're ready" takes it to the next level. I ran to the window and leaned my forehead against the cold, hard, glass to see what was in the darkness. It was hard to see but once my eyes adjusted, I could see Nate and Alex's bodies in the distance. But, there was something else.

I squinted my eyes, struggling to figure out what or who was there. It got closer and closer and seconds later, I could see three men dressed in all black walking towards the place with weapons in every hand. 

"Shit!" I squealed. I drew back from the window, not wanting to see them get any closer to the jet. I started to room to room, looking for the pilot.

"Sir! Where are you? We have a problem!" I shouted, trying to find him. There was one last room at the end of the small hallway. There wasn't much time, I need him to get this damn jet off the ground and get away from these people. "Sir! I need you now!" I shouted again, hoping that he would show up. I walked closer to the door and slowly opened it. "Sir?" I asked while I slowly opened it.There was no one in the room. All the rooms I checked previously, were empty as well. 

I took a step back and stumbled. Something or someone was behind me. My body quickly reacted and I turned around of my heels but no one was behind me. "Fucking shit! Stop messing with me!" I cursed. "I know someone is here. I'm not alone."

I walked away from all of the rooms but suddenly, someone grabbed my wrists and pulled me in one of the dark room. Gasping in shock, I tried to escape but their grip was too strong. I gulped as soon as I heard a gun click. There was no way to escape now. "Don't kill me, please." I pleaded. 

"Now why would I want to do that?" A familiar voice said. My eyes widen when the lights were turned on. I turned around to see Jason, awake and alive, right in front of me. A gigantic smile formed upon my lips and my eyes lightened up. I tacked him with a hug, wrapping my arms around his body as we wrapped his around mine. "Thank God! You're alive! I was so worried about you. First Nate took me and put me in a car with Alex, and you were fighting Nate and-"

"Hush babe. Tell the story later. We need to go." He placed a finger on my lips and his eyes were saying "trust me"

"But where do we go? There's people after us! People are always going to be after us! They're never going to leave us alone. We've dealt with this for months now."

Jason cupped my face and leaned his forehead against mine. I felt his hot breath on my face as he breathed in and out. He looked into my eyes; I felt like he was looking into my soul for a minute. After a minute, he finally spoke.

"It doesn't matter if people are always after us. It doesn't matter if we have to move to a new city every month. At least we're together, we'll be fine. You have me, and I have you. We are unbreakable, Madison. Nothing can break our love. After this, we're going to be left alone and we won't have to worry about anything." He whispered in my ear. "Let's go kick some ass." He pulled back but still held my hand. He took a gun out of his pocket and handed it to me. 

Unbreakable {Sequel to Chains Around My Heart} (Jason McCann)Where stories live. Discover now