In the middle of a gun fight

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Gerard never intended for this to happen, not in the slightest.  He never thought that today would go down like it did.

It all started out as a regular day, him getting up, washed and dressed, going to out to work, the usual calls of "fag" and "you want to suck my dick for $20?" Gerard just rolled his eyes at it all, how many times could they say those things until they lose all meaning to him?
They didn't affect him anymore.

But when it got to about 3 o'clock, that's when it started getting interesting.
Gerard got the sneaking suspicion that someone was watching him from afar. He shuddered at the thought. It was creepy ok?
Anyway, Gerard just continued with his work until he had to go home.

He was walking down the streets of Belleville, teeth chattering in the icy rain.
"I'm gonna die of hypothermia at this rate," Gerard grumbled to himself. He let on walking until he reached the street that led to his house, until he heard a gunshot.

Gerard immediately jumped seven feet in the air, holy fuck he was scared. He had been held at gunpoint once before and it was terrifying. He did not fancy doing that again.
Yells were accompanying the gunshots now, screaming things like,
"Give me the money or your little friend here's gettin' shot!" or
"If you shoot him I'll shoot you!" It was like Gerard had stepped into a gangster movie. He half expected Al Capone to walk around the corner wiping blood off his revolver.

Gerard hid in a small alley way, hoping that this would pass and he could go home safe. But that would have to stay on hold because the fight didn't show any signs of letting up. He was getting increasingly scared and he was also wanting to, albeit a small part of him, find out what the fight was about.
A lot of him was screaming "no don't do that you bloody idiot!", but he listened to small part of him saying, "come on it can just be a peek and no one will find out." Goddammit Gerard. You bloody idiot.

The two men shooting were backed up by a number of people, both male and female and everything in between. The two main people were some small gang leader with longish blonde hair and... Frank Iero.

Gerard's heart leapt into his throat, it was the man he was looking for and this was his chance! He could get him down to the station and question him about Mikey, and get some information, finally.
"You're going down fucker," Gerard laughed to himself. He creeped slowly around the corner, being careful to keep in the shadows. It seemed like it was going fine until,

"Hey, who's that over there?"
Holy fuck on a shit.
Gerard ran for it.

He could hear them close behind,  even though his legs were screaming for mercy, he kept on running. They just got faster and faster catching up to him, and Gerard had one of them right on his tail, just a couple steps away. He was putting everything he had into running back to his apartment and getting his police-issued gun.

He was tackled from behind and Gerard hit the ground, hard. He was winded and he was trying to roll onto his back to catch his breath but his assailant wasn't giving him the chance. The person was fairly strong but no heavy, definitely a small person.

Gerard heard a click next to his head,
"So, why are you here and what did you see?"

Dun dun duuhhhhh!
What's going to happen next? Leave your comments down below.
- Alex

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