We can run away if you want

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Awe yeah the grand finale!
Song: "Summertime" by My Chemical Romance.

A few weeks had passed since the big rescue and Frank getting shot in the shoulder. It was healing fine but there was still some twinges of pain when he raised his arm. A scar was there from where the bullet entered his arm, a perfect circle of tissue bordered with a mess of scar tissue.

Gerard had always felt bad about that scar marring his daddy's perfectly inked skin. It was only a couple centimetres away from hitting one of the tattoos he loved so much. He felt bad about not being able to stop it, he'd rather it hit him than Frank.
Even though Frank had told him a million times that he did the most he could with taking him to the hospital, he still blamed himself. Mikey had tried telling him that in the couple weeks he spent at the house, before he went back to college.
Even Mikey couldn't convince him.

Each night he lay there, tracing the circle over and over again until he fell asleep.


"Kitten, are you still upset about what happened?" Frank asked him one day, when he saw Gee staring at the scar as he was getting ready for the day. Gee was lying in bed with one of Frank's Black Flag t-shirts on and a pair of pastel pink panties. Frank liked the contrast of the dark and against light.
"Ummm.." Gee hummed. He knew he'd get in trouble if he told lies but he didn't want to tell the truth either.
"Kitten. I can tell when you're lying,"
"I... I wish that bullet had hit me instead," Gee burst out, tears included.

Frank smiled and went over to comfort the crying boy.
"Shhhh..." He soothed, "I'm just happy that you're safe."
Gee's sobs were muffled as he placed his head in the crook of Frank's arm.
"But..." He started but Frank hushed him again.
"Just let it all out," he said. He knew of Gee bottled it up he would spiral into depression again, and Frank didn't want that for his baby boy. He deserves happiness with all the hell he'd been through.
Gee's sobs eventually quietened into hiccups and whimpers.

"Babe you have nothing to be sorry for. I am over the fucking moon that I got you and Mikey back safe, and that the love of my life is still alive and well. Sure, the world isn't a wish granting factory and it's not going to hand you what you want on a silver platter, I never expected that I would meet you in a dingy pub of all places. And also that I would be your hero but life's just strange like that."

"Thank you Frankie, sometimes I think what it would be like if we ran away together, just you and me, and see the world but then there's always downsides to bring me down to earth. Like what if we ran out of food and were forced to scavenge like cavemen or we run out of petrol in the middle of nowhere. But then I realise, I'm perfectly content here being with you, y'know?"

"We can run away if you want to."

As all good things go, it always comes to an end and this is it for Desolation Row. I want to thank you all for all the love and support this story has gotten, I never thought it would get as popular as it has.

But I will be writing more oneshots in this AU along with dimwit her ones if you'd like to check that out, the first one will be published tonight.

See you one flip side,

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